“System modeling for grid-interactive efficient building applications,” a literature review written by Yunyang Ye*, Cary Faulkner*, Rong Xu, Sen Huang*, Yuan Liu, Draguna Vrabie and Jian Zhang, has been published in the Journal of Building Engineering. The literature review analyzes over 300 articles on modeling grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) with the goal of understanding best modeling practices for various applications as well as proposing future directions for the field. The authors found that the main challenges facing the GEB modeling field included the inability to consider all requirements in a single model, the inherent interdisciplinary nature of the models exposing limits in research expertise, and the lack of easily reusable system models. They suggest that future GEB modeling research studies focus on equation-based modeling, co-simulation, simulation workflow automation, and model-based co-design and machine learning to ensure that researchers take full advantage of GEB system modeling’s capabilities.
The full paper can be found for free here until April 29th.
*Current or former members of the SBS Lab.