We are proud to announce the new paper titled “Development of near-optimal advanced control sequences for chiller plants with water-side economizers in U.S. Climates (ASHRAE RP-1661)“. This work is part of our ASHRAE Research Project 1661, sponsored by ASHRAE TC 4.7, 1.4, and 7.5.
In the study, we categorized advanced control sequences into condenser water, chilled water, and hybrid controls. Sequences from each category were identified and the plant was optimized for 504 scenarios using various combinations of dynamic Modelica models. The near-optimal sequences showcased energy reductions of up to 15% relative to the baseline depending on configuration, climate, and load profile.
We are extremely grateful to all the current and former lab members (Cary Faulkner, Julia Ho, Chengnan Shi, Chengliang Fan, Nasim Ildiri) who contributed to this work and ASHRAE PMS members (Keith Cockerham, Timothy McDowell, Jeff Stain, and Li Song) for their valuable advice throughout the project. Much appreciation to Penn State University for sponsoring the open-access version of our paper found here.