SBS Lab Professor, Wangda Zuo Awarded ASHRAE Fellow at Winter Conference

SBS Lab Professor, Wanga Zuo, was awarded the ASHRAE Fellow at the Winter Conference. He gives a special acknowledgment to his mentors and collaborators for their unwavering support throughout his research endeavors. He is truly grateful for the dedication exhibited by both his current and former students, without whom this achievement would not have been possible.

SBS Lab Members Celebrate Penn State Graduate Fellowship

SBS Lab Members Hongjun Li, Michael Maloney, and Woohyoung Lee attended the Penn State University Graduate Fellows and Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Reception. Another congratulations to our newest lab members receiving the amazing University Graduate Fellowship!

SBS Lab Member Michael Maloney Receives Scholarship

SBS lab member and new Ph.D. student Michael Maloney received the prestigious University Graduate Fellowship in the Pennsylvania State College of Engineering. This was given in recognition of his strong academic record and served to enable him to establish his research and other activities. This is a great start to Michael’s time with the lab. He has a M.S. from Columbia University in civil engineering. He then worked in industry for 8 yeasrs gaining expertise in construction management and life cycle carbon analysis. His Ph.D. work will be in Architectural Engineering with research focusing on addressing sustainability challenges in the growing building sector of data centers.

SBS Lab Member Woohyoung Lee Receives Scholarship

SBS lab member and new Ph.D. student Woohyoung Lee received the prestigious University Graduate Fellowship in the Pennsylvania State College of Engineering. This was given in recognition of his strong academic record and served to enable him to establish his research and other activities. This is a great start to Woohyong’s time with the lab. He has a B.S. and M.S. from University of Seoul where his M.S. research focused on building environmental systesm and indoor air quality. His Ph.D. work will be in Architectural Engineering with research focusing on fast indoor airflow modeling using our fast fluid dyanmics (FFD) mdoels.

SBS Lab Member Hongjun Li Receives Prestigious Scholarship

SBS lab member and new Ph.D. student Hongjun Li received the prestigious University Graduate Fellowship in the Pennsylvania State College of Engineering. This was given in recognition of his strong academic record and served to enable him to establish his research and other activities. This is a great start to Hongjun’s time with the lab. He has a Master degree in Architecture from Tsinghua University with a research focus on distributed urban energy systems. His Ph.D. work will be in Architectural Engineering with research on Modelica-based modeling for the design and control of advanced building energy systems.

SBS Lab Member Julia Ho Receives IBUILD Fellowship

Congratulations to SBS lab member Julia Ho on becoming the first Penn State student selected for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Innovation in Buildings (IBUILD) Graduate Research Fellowship. Julia’s research focuses improving modeling and design of low-carbon heating and cooling systems. She will use this fellowship to evaluate the feasibility of low-carbon heating and cooling for rural communities using advanced modeling tools such as Modelica. More information can be found here.

Professor Zuo Receives ASHRAE Exceptional Service Award at 2024 Annual Conference

Congratulations to Professor Zuo on receiving the prestigious Exceptional Service Award at the 2024 Annual Conference. We appreciate the ASHRAE community and all the opportunities our lab members have had. Prof. Zuo served as the Chair of Technical Committee 4.10 and 7.4 and participated in several others. Congratulations to Prof. Zuo on receiving this amazing award and thank you ASHRAE for the recognition and amazing support.

SBS Lab Member Kathryn Hinkelman Receives the 2024 Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar Award

SBS Lab Member Kathryn Hinkelman Receives the 2024 Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar Award at Pennsylvania State University. Prof. Zuo had the honor of accepting the award on her behalf. Dr. Hinkelman’s interdisciplinary research develops sustainable, resilient, and equitable energy systems through advanced modeling and simulation and bio-inspired design. Her research innovation and productivity, funding achievements, and dedication to mentoring students led to her selection as the 2024 Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar. She will join the Department of Environmental Engineering at the University of Vermont as an Assistant Professor in Fall of 2024.


SBS Lab Member Yizhi Yang Receives Borda Graduate Scholarship in Honor of Gifford H. Albright

SBS Lab Member and Ph.D. candidate Yizhi Yang won the Borda Graduate Scholarship in Honor of Gifford H. Albright – Scholarly Excellence in Architectural Engineering. The award notice says “the Architectural Engineering Department recognizes your exceptional ability and promise for significant future achievement in architectural engineering research. Your hard work and dedication is an inspiration to other Graduate Students.” We are so excited to see our lab members winning awards that recognize their hard work and effort in the world of architectural engineering and building energy modeling.

Yizhi’s Ph.D. research attempts to unravel the nexus of energy consumption, carbon emission, and energy equity in buildings. Her research is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Yizhi has also published several journal and conference papers. To learn more about Yizhi and her research, visit here.