Current and Former SBS Lab Members Win Awards at SimBuild 2024

The Lab received a total of 6 prestigious awards at the SimBuild 2024 conference in Denver:

  • Prof. Zuo received IBPSA-USA Outstanding Researcher Award
  • Former Ph.D. student Yunyang Ye received IBPSA-USA Emerging Contributor Award
  • Current Postdoctoral Scholar Katy Hinkelman received SimBuild 2024 Best Reviewer Award
  • Current Ph.D. student Rosina Adhikari and former M.S. student David Milner received SimBuild Travel Scholarship
  • Best Poster Award was given to a paper led by former Ph.D. student Xu Han and his Ph.D. student Zhuorui Li together with former Ph.D. student Jing Wang and Prof. Zuo

We greatly appreciate all of the support from mentors and advisors as well as the support of colleagues and collaborators throughout the industry. This conference was a great experience for our current and former lab members to network and learn with others in the industry.

SBS lab member and two alumna are recognized as library developers on Modelica Buildings Library version 4.0.0

Lab members Chengan Shi, and alumna Dr. Jing Wang and Dr. Sen Huang are recognized as library developers on LBNL’s Modelica Buildings Library, version 4.0.0. The MBL is an open-source modeling tool, which can be accessed and used by modelers wishing to employ Modelica in a building analysis setting. Click here for further information on MBL version 4.0.0.

Congrats to Chengnan, Jing, and Sen on this recognition for their hard work.

Paper on Carbon Emission Responsive Building Control has been published in Applied Energy

This paper proposes a carbon emission responsive building control framework for controlling thermostatically controllable loads such as heat pumps and heat pump water heaters. The control decisions are made in response to the real-time grid carbon emission intensity signals to shift the loads from “unclean” hours to “clean” hours. The resulted energy consumption, energy cost, carbon emissions, and thermal comfort are compared for an all-electric residential community in Basalt, CO.

This work has been published under the title “Carbon Emission Responsive Building Control : A Case Study With an All-Electric Residential Community in a Cold Climate” in the journal Applied Energy. The full paper is available here.

Dr. Jing Wang, the first author of this paper and former member of the SBS Lab, successfully defended her PhD dissertation on “Occupant-centric Modeling and Control for Low-carbon and Resilient Communities” in September 2021. Dr. Jing Wang’s research focuses on resilient energy systems, building energy system modeling and control, and building-to-grid integration. For more insight about Dr. Wang’s scholarly work please refer to this page.

sbs lab