Former SBS Lab member Cary Faulkner‘s paper titled “Simulation-based assessment of ASHRAE Guideline 36 (G36), considering energy performance, indoor air quality, and control stability” has been published in the journal Building and Environment.
The paper developed a VAV system in Modelica to test the influence of G36 on occupant thermal comfort, indoor air quality, control stability, and energy efficiency for air-side and water-side equipment. They found that although G36 slightly decreases thermal comfort, it significantly reduces annual energy consumption, increases indoor air quality, and eliminates CO2 discomfort through its use of demand controlled ventilation. The paper also found that local feedback control was important to ensure control stability when using G36. This study contributes to the body
This paper was the first to 1. assess the impact of G36 on indoor air quality, 2. consider control sequence interactions in water-side and air-side equipment for the system studied, and 3. examine short-term building behavior to evaluate control stability with G36.
The co-authors of the paper are Robert Lutes, former SBS Lab member Sen Huang, Wangda Zuo, and Draguna Vrabie. You can read the paper for free here until July 15, 2023.