Current and Former SBS Lab Members Win Awards at SimBuild 2024

The Lab received a total of 6 prestigious awards at the SimBuild 2024 conference in Denver:

  • Prof. Zuo received IBPSA-USA Outstanding Researcher Award
  • Former Ph.D. student Yunyang Ye received IBPSA-USA Emerging Contributor Award
  • Current Postdoctoral Scholar Katy Hinkelman received SimBuild 2024 Best Reviewer Award
  • Current Ph.D. student Rosina Adhikari and former M.S. student David Milner received SimBuild Travel Scholarship
  • Best Poster Award was given to a paper led by former Ph.D. student Xu Han and his Ph.D. student Zhuorui Li together with former Ph.D. student Jing Wang and Prof. Zuo

We greatly appreciate all of the support from mentors and advisors as well as the support of colleagues and collaborators throughout the industry. This conference was a great experience for our current and former lab members to network and learn with others in the industry.

Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings Literature Review Published

“System modeling for grid-interactive efficient building applications,” a literature review written by Yunyang Ye*, Cary Faulkner*, Rong Xu, Sen Huang*, Yuan Liu, Draguna Vrabie and Jian Zhang, has been published in the Journal of Building Engineering. The literature review analyzes over 300 articles on modeling grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) with the goal of understanding best modeling practices for various applications as well as proposing future directions for the field. The authors found that the main challenges facing the GEB modeling field included the inability to consider all requirements in a single model, the inherent interdisciplinary nature of the models exposing limits in research expertise, and the lack of easily reusable system models. They suggest that future GEB modeling research studies focus on equation-based modeling, co-simulation, simulation workflow automation, and model-based co-design and machine learning to ensure that researchers take full advantage of GEB system modeling’s capabilities.

The full paper can be found for free here until April 29th.

*Current or former members of the SBS Lab.

Yizhi Yang Presents at ASHRAE SCANVAC HVAC Cold Climate Conference

SBS Lab Ph.D. student Yizhi Yang presented at the ASHRAE SCANVAC HVAC Cold Climate Conference, 2023. She presented on building decarbonization in U.S. cold climates. Her research looks at the carbon emission reductions that can happen from retrofitting existing office buildings in these cold climates. This is a joint research project with former Ph.D. students Yingli Lou and Yunyang Ye.

SBS Lab Members’ Novel Method to Assess Carbon Reduction Potential of Buildings Published

Yizhi Yang, Yingli Lou, Chris Payne, and Yunyang He have developed a model to “comprehensively assess the long-term carbon intensity reduction potential of aggregated commercial buildings on a county-by-county basis in the continental U.S.” Yizhi Yang is a current PhD student in the SBS Lab, and Yingli Lou and Yunyang He are lab graduates. Their paper summarizing the model and its application to U.S. K-12 buildings has been published in the Energy and Buildings Journal and is available for free until March 11, 2023.

Their case study weighed the effects of climate, energy sources, and building retrofits on K-12 buildings in 14 different climate zones from 2022 to 2050. By considering these effects simultaneously, they were able to predict what retrofits would be most effective and when; for example, they predicted that in 2022 reducing lighting power density in Oregon schools would most effectively increase energy savings, but in 2050 improving roof insulation will be a more effective energy saver because Oregon will have transitioned to clean energy sources for the majority of their electricity. They also concluded that there was a wide range of energy-saving potential across schools and that, depending on the primary energy source, energy savings potentials are not guaranteed to decrease (the example of this phenomenon being Mississippi’s predicted 2044 nuclear plant shutdown, which might be replaced with coal and natural gas plants.)

This case study demonstrates the capabilities of the author’s model, which can help policymakers, engineers, and community members estimate the impacts of different retrofits on buildings in their communities. Future work includes considering future weather predictions in the model, potential policies such as a carbon tax, and increasing the accuracy of buildings estimated in the model with building codes and climate zone geometrical information for climate reduction.

You can read the paper here:

Lab alumnus, Dr. Ye, has been awarded the prestigious 2022 Homer Addams Award

SBS Lab alumnus, Dr. Yunyang Ye, has been selected as recipient of the 2022 Hommer Addams Award. This award was given in recognition of his contribution to the ASHRAE research project RP-1771, “Development of new baseline models for U.S. medium office buildings based on commercial buildings energy consumption survey data. He conducted this research while completing his Ph.D. at our lab. For more information about this award please visit here.

Dr. Ye obtained his Ph.D. degree in Architectural Engineering at University of Colorado Boulder in 2019. During his study at CU Boulder, he focused on large-scale building energy modeling, sensitivity analysis, building energy codes, and net zero energy community. He received the ASHRAE Grant-in-Aid Award ($10,000) and ASHRAE Student Travel Grant. He was also nominated by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering as the sole nominee of the department to compete for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award at the College of Engineering and Applied Science. He is currently working on building energy simulations and analyses, and urban scale modeling at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Congratulations to Dr. Ye on this well-deserved award and wish him all the best in his future endeavors!