SBS Team Attends American Modelica Conference at University of Conneticut

Prof. Wangda Zuo and team members Zhanwei He and Viswanathan Ganesh attended the American Modelica Conference at UConn. Here they learned more about advanced modeling methods and model-based design. They enjoyed the insightful keynotes from Dr. Swaminathan Gopalswamy (Texas A&M) and Clas Jacobson (Carrier). This was an exciting trip as Viswanathan was awarded Penn State’s Borda Travel Scholarship to present our paper on “Advancements in Building-to-Grid Interactions: Thermo-Electric Coupling Models of Motor-driven Devices” at the conference. Our Post-Doctoral scholar Zhanwei delivered a presentation on “Efficient Simplified Models for District Energy CHP Systems”. We are happy that there was so much great work for our lab to present. Many thanks to the organizers of the conference for all their hard work in putting on an amazing experience.

SBS Lab Member Viswanathan Ganesh Passes His Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam

Congratulations to SBS lab member Viswanathan Ganesh on passing his Ph.D. comprehensive exam. His research focuses on building-to-grid integration and its application to data centers. As part of this research, he has developed new Modelica models for induction motors and is in the process of releasing these to the open source Modelica Buildings Library. Viswanathan joins several of our lab members who have recently passed their Ph.D, comprehensive exams.

SBS Lab Member Viswanathan Ganesh Receives Prestigious Scholarships

SBS lab member and new Ph.D. student Viswanathan Ganesh received two prestigious scholarships. He received the College of Engineering scholarship and Marlene and Joseph Borda scholarship. This is a great start to Viswanathan’s time with the lab. With a M.S. in Sustainable Electric Power Engineering and Electromobility at Chalmers University of Technology. Viswanathan is bringing his expertise in electrical engineering to study building to grid integration. Congratulations to Viswanathan on this amazing accomplishment.