Smart and Connected Communities (SCC) Library

This open source Modelica library contains an integrated modeling framework and component models for designing coupled energy, transportation, and communication systems. The framework features a multi-level, multi-layer, multi-agent (3M) approach in order to enable flexible modeling of the interconnected systems. Various component and system-level models are included as the testbed of future SCCs in order to assess the impact of infrastructure interdependencies during typical operation. This modeling framework can be further extended for various modeling purposes and use cases, such as dynamic modeling and optimization, resilience analysis, and integrated decision making in future connected communities.

Software Download

The development site of this software is at:

Release Notes

  • 07/28/2020: SCC-Smart-City library V1.1 released.
    • Updates the case study models and includes the tutorial models.
  • 03/27/2019: SCC-Smart-City library V1.0 released.
    • First release of the library. It contains component and system models supporting city-scale interdependent energy, transportation, and communication system modeling.


The  SCC library is the outcome of the project “BIGDATA: Collaborative Research: IA: Big Data Analytics for Optimized Planning of Smart, Sustainable, and Connected Communities” sponsored by the National Science Foundation (Awad No. IIS-1802017). The project website is here.

Related Publications

X. Lu, K. Hinkelman, Y. Fu, J. Wang, W. Zuo, Q. Zhang, W. Saad 2019. “An Open Source Modeling Framework for Interdependent Energy-Transportation-Communication Infrastructure in Smart and Connected Communities.” IEEE Access, 7, pp. 55458-55476.

X. Lu, Y. Fu, W. Zuo 2018. “Modeling of Smart Community Infrastructure Accounting for the Interdependencies among Energy, Transportation and Communication Networks.” 2018 ASHRAE Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild (BPACS 2018), pp. 250-257, September 26-28, Chicago, IL.


K. Hinkelman 2020 “A Modeling Framework to Evaluate Energy, Transportation, and Communication Interdependence in Smart and Connected Communities“, American Modelica Conference 2020, September.


J. Wang, S. Huang, W. Zuo 2020 “Cyber-Physical System Modeling using Modelica for Smart and Sustainable Communities“, the free workshop on “Cyber-physical System Modeling using Modelica for Smart and Sustainable Communities” on September 18.