(De)Construction of Gender Roles

    Traditional gender roles are a huge headache for women. The constructed roles create many limits for women that only make life harder.    From the time girls are born they are socialized and expected to behave in alignment with societal expectations. They are dressed in pink, with bows, and frilly outfits. As they […]

The Media

In recent years, the growing popularity of social media has been detrimental. While it has affected almost every member and group of society, it has majorly impacted women. The media has become a platform in which women compare themselves as well as are compared to other women. The comparison of women has been horrifically objective. […]


As a feminist, I am often judged, specifically by boys and men. While from the male perspective it may seem that feminists are against men, which is partially true, they fail to understand the reality of feminism beyond what the surface-level media portrays. They fail to understand that a large part of feminism is the […]

Making Space

  As women in society we often have a hard time finding where we fit in and where we are accepted. For years we have fought for space in the workforce, in social scenes, in the gym, and in society, in general, beyond the role of being a caregiver and producer of the home. This […]

Mental Health

As feminists, one of our important roles is to be forgiving and understanding when it comes to issues of mental health. But for some reason, we as part of society, do not make room for people to not be okay. When someone is suffering we expect them to bounce back and be okay. We shame […]

Male Gaze Validation

Objectification is a huge hardship that women face each and every day. We are sexualized and fantasized about without our consent or longing. This issue roots itself within all areas of society, from school dress codes to sexual situations. While us women often despise this sexualization, we also often crave it. We long for men […]


When is my body actually MY body?   As women in society we have never truly had control and power over our own bodies, no matter how hard we try. Not only are our bodies stolen from us in social aspects, but they are also stolen from us through the lens of the law.    […]


Plain and simple, being a girl is hard.    Dealing with men is hard.    We are encouraged to be “nice” to  them whether we are uncomfortable or not.    A huge problem we face as women, is the issue of assumptions. Often as girls, we are accused of  “jumping to conclusions”, but in reality, […]

Feminism Intro

Feminism is a word that is often tossed around. Despite the root of the word coming from the word “female”, feminism is for everybody. It is a term that unites an array of genders as well as sexualities. These groups of people face hardships everyday that are inflicted upon them by males. Gender inequality has […]