I really enjoyed this assignment. I liked that I was able to pick a topic that I was interested in and curious about. I had also previously learned a little bit about the changes in the family structure in my sociology class, and this project allowed for me to connect the curriculums. The TED talk also made me dive deeper into some of the key events that influenced the change. By researching these events I learned a lot more on feminism and women empowerment, as well as LQBTQ freedom, which is something that I care a lot about.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this project, I also ran into some obstacles. One aspect that was difficult for me was to organize the presentation. I had a hard time deciding what information should go where and in what order. Along with the organization, I also had to spend a lot of time thinking about how I would transition between each piece of information as well as how to connect all of it. Another big thing that I struggled with was my conclusion. In general, I suck at conclusions and for this project, it was hard for me to come up with a creative one that was engaging as well as encompassed the talk, as a whole.
Although I had a hard time coming up with transitions and the organization of my speech, I think that I ended up doing a pretty good job on it. It took a lot of trial and error and thinking, but I eventually made it to be something I was proud of. I also think I did a good job on the hook of my speech by applying the concept to my own personal life, which in turn relates to the audience. Additionally, I think I did a good job on my delivery. I tried to be very casual but sophisticated sounding, and I also tried to pay a lot of attention to my body language and use my hands with purpose.
I think that the worst part of my presentation was my conclusion. I didn’t really have any substantial information that I presented. I also just think it was kind of cringe. It’s also worth noting that I didn’t come into the presentation with a set conclusion. I had a general idea of what I wanted to say, and then I got flustered and stressed during the presentation and I just said dumb things.