Visual representation of the about us text above on this page*We are recruiting PhD students for Fall 2025! Reach out to Dr. Rosenman or Dr. Holmes if interested in joining us!*

The Scales of Corporate Harm Lab (SCHLab) is led by Drs. Louisa Holmes and Emily Rosenman in the Department of Geography at Penn State. Our research draws on methods in discourse analysis, natural language processing, and spatial analysis to study corporate influence on health policy from a geographic perspective. Our mission is to support research, teaching, and policymaking related to substance use, health policy, and the role of corporate spatial strategies in perpetuating inequities across scales. Our current projects examine the pharmaceutical industry’s aggressive marketing of opioids and the industry’s role in shaping opioid policy and federal legislative and regulatory activities.

Feel free to contact us with any questions. If you’re a student, check out our resources for relevant conferences, journals, and more.