Food feuds

One of the most important aspects of a culture tends to be its food. Given that different cultures often come to blows over some very trivial things, it is no surprise that there are many, many food-related disputes between different culinary regions. In this blog post, I’m going to cover some of the best-known ones, particularly those which come from the area somewhere around Pennsylvania. However, I am going to skip Wawa vs. Sheetz (for now, at least).

Four slices of Taylor pork roll. (Austin Murphy, Wikimedia Commons/CC)

Pork roll was first widely sold by John Taylor of Trenton, New Jersey in 1856 and it has been a statewide staple ever since. The term refers to a roll of pork (from various parts of the pig) which has been spiced and smoked and traditionally wrapped in cloth. However, when Taylor first sold his product, it was known instead as “Taylor’s Prepared Ham.” It was only in 1906 that Taylor was forced to change the name of his product to “Taylor Pork Roll.” This change allowed a slew of imitators to make their own pork rolls, given that Taylor was unable to get a trademark on the term “pork roll” by itself. Nevertheless, many still referred to the product as “Taylor ham,” and for reasons I can’t seem to ascertain “Taylor ham” remains the preferred term in northern New Jersey, but not elsewhere. The term has become a source of North Jersey regional pride, which is curious given that pork rolls themselves are mostly particular to New Jersey. Barack Obama referenced the dispute in 2016 during a speech at Rutgers University in New Jersey, saying “There’s not much I’m afraid to take on in my final year of office, but I know better than to get in the middle of that debate.”

However, in spite of the controversy over its name, at least the inventor of the modern-day pork roll is not in dispute. The same cannot be said for many classic American foods, which have multiple stories explaining their origin. As most foods do not see widespread sale for many years after they are first released, this is not really much of a surprise. One dish whose origin is disputed between various American cities is the ice cream sundae, which originated somewhere in America in the latter half of the 19th century but whose origin remains a mystery. Stories of the invention of the ice cream sundae also must explain the dessert’s unusual name. The two cities with the best-known claims to the invention of the sundae are Two Rivers, Wisconsin and Ithaca, New York. The Two Rivers story claims that Ed Berners, of a namesake ice cream parlor, made a regular ice cream with chocolate syrup instead of an ice cream soda with chocolate (which were quite popular at the time, and chocolate syrup was mainly used for making ice cream sodas) because it was a Sunday and for whatever reason ice cream sodas weren’t considered sufficiently sacred. Traditionally, this incident is dated to 1881, but this date is considered doubtful as Berners was only 18 at the time. However, Two Rivers’ campaign is contested by claims that the sundae was invented in Ithaca in 1892, with Ithaca even writing a resolution rebuking the city of Two Rivers in 2006. Ithaca’s story states that in 1892 a minister wanted ice cream after his services, but in a twist the shop owner, who was a friend of the minister, added a cherry and cherry syrup on top of two scoops of vanilla ice cream. The dish was thus referred to as a sunday because that was the date it was made. Ithaca’s story has much more documentation than the Two Rivers story, as ads mentioning the “sunday” and referring to it as new have been found from 1892. Nevertheless, the Two Rivers claim persists and both towns will still claim to be the true birthplace of the ice cream sundae.

Tabs vs. Spaces – The Great Coding Debate

In last week’s blog, about whether or not “internet” should be capitalized, I covered a computing-related issue for the first time. However, this is far from the only trivial dispute to emerge in the world of computing. A case in point is the dispute over whether it is better to use spaces or tabs when writing code. 

I first found out about this point of contention in an episode of Silicon Valley on HBO. In the episode, the show’s main character breaks up with a girl he just met after finding out she uses spaces to write her code instead of tabs. Although this reaction is probably an exaggeration, the debate is very real, and can cause heated arguments to erupt between coders. Even Bill Gates has weighed in on the debate, saying in response to a question on Reddit that he uses tabs.

In order to understand why this debate exists in the first place, you must understand a few things about writing code. (Disclaimer: I don’t code myself, so some of this explanation may be incomplete.) In order to make it easier to understand what is going on, I will use an example. Say you wanted to subtract 1 from numbers less than 2, and add 1 to numbers greater than or equal to 2. The code would look something like this (this is not a real programming language, just “psuedocode):

if n<2

subtract 1 from n

if n≥2 

add 1 to n

However, if this was part of a much more complex program, it might be hard to tell at first glance which command leads to which other command. To make the code easier to read, subordinate operations are usually indented. So our pseudocode would look like this:

if n<2 

   subtract 1 from n

if n≥2

   add 1 to n

However, when making the indents, spaces and tabs can both be used, which is where the debate comes from. There are arguments for both options. Coders that use tabs justify their preference because a substantial indent can be created with just 1 press of the tab key, while using the space key requires multiple presses for just one indent. Also, tabs take up less data than spaces do. Coders that use spaces counter that spaces allow for more precise alignment of indents than tabs do, Also, tabs being bigger than spaces can make the view screens for tabbed code quite wide. As for which format is actually used more, a 2016 study of repositories on the popular code sharing site GitHub found that spaces are more commonly used in almost all programming languages. However, coders that used tabs still insisted that tabs were superior and that the majority must’ve been wrong. Another study related to the debate was conducted in 2017, using data from a survey of users of the coding Q and A website Stack Overflow, found that developers who used spaces made more money than those who used tabs, a finding which was consistent across experience levels, countries, and many other types of group, though the original publishers of these results stopped short of explaining why this was the case. Thus, it seems that even if studies rule in favor of spaces, the debate will persist for many more years.

The internet… or should it be the Internet?

While I have dealt with spelling-related issues before in my spelling reform post from last semester, I’ve never devoted an entire article on how to write one word before. However, given that the (I/i)nternet is something we pretty much all use now, it is necessary to decide just how the word should be spelled. This is definitely something which has tripped me up when writing in the past, and just this week I had to correct an assignment in order to make sure that the word was spelled correctly.

The term was originally just a shortening of “internetwork,” a noun adjunct which could refer to any kind of link from one network to another. Given that this was a general term and not a reference to a specific entity, “internet” would never be capitalized. One of the first definitive uses of “internet” in reference to what would be called the Internet today was a 1974 technical document, Request for Comment (RFC) 675, entitled “Specification Of Internet Transmission Control Program.” However, the term “internetwork” is actually used in the paper. At the time, the network being referred to was ARPANET, one of the first projects to link computers together over long distances, which was established by ARPA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense, in 1969.

Map of computers connected to ARPANET in 1974.

As more networks were created, many of which engaged in “inter-network” communication with ARPANET, it became clear that in the future there would be a global, decentralized network, which then became referred to as “the ARPA-Internet” and then later “the Internet,” with the capital letter indicating its status as the most important internetwork. The former term was still used in RFC 959 from 1985, but by the introduction of the domain name system in 1987 in RFC  1034“the Internet” was being used.

As the global (i/I)nternet has for the most part removed the need for smaller long-distance connections between computer networks, there  was less need for a distinction between an internet and the Internet, as the former sense was not being used nearly as much. You might expect this to have led to the capitalized “Internet” becoming the predominant word form, but the opposite seems to have happened given that the internet is now viewed as a medium rather than as an entity. As mentioned by Susan Herring in her 2015 article for Wired, Apple’s decision to abbreviate internet with a lowercase I in the names of products like the iMac and iPod may have helped away public usage. She also notes that in the Oxford English Corpus, “Internet” was slowly losing ground to “internet,” though in 2015 Internet had not yet been overtaken in the data.

In order to reflect this change in popular usage, many publications which once insisted upon capitalizing “Internet” now consider “internet” to be the default spelling. In 2016, both the Chicago Manual of Style and the Associated Press switched to “internet.” The reasoning given for the latter decision was that it “reflects a growing trend toward lowercasing” the word, which has become “a generic term.”

Capitalization may be one of the more trivial aspects of writing standards, given that the rules for capitalization are typically clear-cut. However, given how commonly the phrase “the internet” is used, especially in journalism, in this case it is an issue which must be resolved but has no clear resolution. This likely explains why so many changes regarding the word’s capitalization have been made, and the coverage these changes get.