Stress within the American school system is not a new thing. However, it has clearly been becoming much more common and severe for a large portion of U.S. students. There are many reasons why school can give us stress. The leading cause is homework. One mandatory survey that was taken at many schools produced information stating how homework is the leading cause of a student’s stress. Nearly 25 percent of the participants claimed this. For the same poll, just under half claimed that they feel school pressures daily (Stress in America). Not all of these pressures are academic related as well.
There is also the social aspect to school. Many students encounter social situations that they dread living through. This can be anything from an awkward encounter in the hallway to not being able to find a place to sit for lunch. The social aspect of school can be very draining for students as it can be a big distractor from academic studies. Friends also appear to be a major stress inducer. For many, friends are their favorite aspect of school, but they are also a big source of stress. Interpersonal conflicts between close friends, worries about not having too many, comparing oneself to them, and peer pressure are several of the common negatives that friends provide for some people. Even the most secure people can get in their own head and fall into a stress trap (Scott). Dealing with these issues on top of school work is extremely difficult and draining. Students who struggle with these types of social problems at school must use this opportunity for growth. Some of these situations are just part of life and we must learn how to behave differently next time these situations occur. Another problem that students are dealing with is their schedules.
The school system is becoming crazy competitive. To keep up with the high achieving students, many scholars attempt to stand out by becoming involved in an excessive number of clubs. Participating in a club or two is highly recommended as this can help alleviate pressure from school. However, in an effort to gain an edge by joining too many clubs has proven to cause stress to skyrocket. When a student overcommits, sleep time goes down, tiredness goes up, and grades tend to go down due to less time allocated for studying. A perfect balance is what’s best.
It is proven that the involvement of at least 1club/sport will improve a student’s well-being and even his/her grades (Stress in America). However, overcommitting is just asking for a future breakdown. When it comes to school stress, some factors you can control. Ensure you don’t overdo yourself.
Scott, Elizabeth. “Why Do Children Get So Stressed With School?” Verywell Family, Verywell Family, 24 Oct. 2019, 3145171.
“Stress in America.” Snapshots of Stress in America, American Psychological Association , 2009,