Students, What Should You Do?

Obviously, in this chaotic time right now, it will be tough to return to normalcy as students are restricted to learning and studying at their homes. From what I have heard, most high schools have been offering optional online work. To all high school students, I encourage you to take full advantage of this option. At this point, the end of self-quarantining is nowhere in sight. If things at home are not too hectic for you, please use the learning guides that your teachers send out to you. When the return does come, you’ll be all caught up and will not have to cram your studies at the end of the year. Also, by doing this you’ll keep your brain sharp and will not be as bored.

Now for us Penn State students (and possibly others at other universities), there has been a change to the grading system for this semester. The new system will allow each student to choose at the end of the semester to either keep the final letter grade or replace it with a satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Thus, permitting students to practically manipulate their GPA. This is somewhat controversial but there aren’t any other better options.

This was put in place because most students will not be able to achieve the same grade they would have if they were at campus. This will also result in less pressure for us scholars. It is important to continue the semester with less stress, however, that does not mean to lift your foot off of the pedal. Many students will certainly slack off, knowing that a lower grade will not affect their GPA. Be sure that you take the other route. Still pursue your coursework and assignments with strong determination and perseverance. Just keep in mind that the more credits you factor into your overall GPA, the less it will fluctuate. Make your hard work over the past 16 weeks even more meaningful.

For those students though who find it tough to concentrate on schoolwork due to distractions at home and other issues, be sure to take advantage of the new grading system. Give yourself an honest effort and try your best but don’t push yourself to the brink of misery. The reason for the new grading policy is to avoid just that.


I hope from this pandemic all students will come to recognize what is truly important. At the end of the day, health and safety come first. Keeping this in mind, never dwell on a bad grade, you are alive, and you worked hard to be in the position you are in today. I promise that everything will be okay.

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