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  • Kristina Adams 2:29 am on November 24, 2014 Permalink |  

    After our class lesson on white noise… 

    After our class lesson on “white noise” it dawned on me as to why this “white noise” was so significant and had such a big effect on our hearing as well as our bodily functions (sleepiness) as well. After doing some research I found out that it isn’t the noise itself but it’s the “masking” effect as they would call it that has the effect on you. What excited me the most s that I found out from a website blog called “Popular Science” that there is in fact a Pink Noise, which is my favorite color that is white noise played with high frequencies.The difference is that pink noise is louder and more powerful. What I also thought was very interesting is that the horror movie ‘White noise” was based off of this phenomenon. This movie is the story of a man who lives in a home with his wife who passes away. The white noise that appears frequently on his television screen delivers message’s that he would only understand from his wife through the harmonics of the white noise. I hope you all watch the movie because it helps in the understanding of white noise !

  • Casey Lynne Cogley 5:12 pm on November 18, 2014 Permalink |  

    I saw this video on youtube and it relates exactly to what we were learning about in class today. It shows the different harmonic scales on the piano similar to what we discussed in class. I found this video very interesting and informative. I hope you guys do as well!

  • Haowen Duan 3:38 pm on November 18, 2014 Permalink |