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  • Haowen Duan 11:22 pm on October 14, 2018 Permalink |  

    10/12 activity 

    1. The DOC of FCC should approve the merger between T-Mobile and Sprint because they will create efficient 5G networks. This combination will create a fierce competitor with the network scale to deliver more for consumers and businesses in the form of lower prices, more innovation, and a second-to-none network experience — and do it all so much faster than either company could on its own.
    2. In a scenario where T-Mobile and Sprint have merged, I would expect the postpaid churn would decrease because customers have different expectations. some customers may want new technologies but other customers might prefer proven technology that has been in the market for a few years. For example, the fail of Sprint and Nextel merger in 2005 could be the result for T-mobile’s merger today.
    3. I believe it could effectively compete with AT&T and Verizon in the future, but not immediately. As I mentioned previously, the customers always have different expectations. Thus the new company may need a couple years to prove their products and services.
  • Haowen Duan 1:15 am on October 8, 2018 Permalink |  

    10/5 activity 

    100518 Activity Table-2di0abz

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