About Me:
My main ambition is to be a Pediatric Endocrinologist after medical school. I spent the last four summers working as a camp counselor at diabetic camps in West Virginia and Pennsylvania. My life at home consists of farm work and care for the many animals my family and I raise. We have cattle, horses, sheep, goats, donkeys, ducks, chickens, and more. It is a very time consuming but rewarding lifestyle. My life at school is quite different. It consists of the library, classroom, and gym. I am a Biology teaching assistant and love teaching science to all ages. It is my goal to make sure each camper has a great time at camp and goes home with lasting memories.
Working in a Team: Teamwork is an important part of any person’s life. Whether it is a high school project or a professional assignment, teamwork is crucial to completing multi person tasks. While individual work is important, teamwork provides a person with different viewpoints and skills from each contributing member. I hope to help my campers improve their teamwork skills in a way that each member contributes valuable information to the project and feels a sense of shared achievement when the task is complete.
Demonstrating Innovative Problem-Solving Abilities: Just like teamwork, problem solving abilities are crucial to succeeding in life. I hope to help each camper develop his or her capacity to solve the tasks in front of them efficiently and correctly. Being able to solve more in depth problems will be a large part of Science-U and will be a skill useful for all academic and professional pursuits. By challenging the campers I can promote conceptual thinking and use resources available to conquer the task.
Developing Positive Rapport with Youth: Even though I have been a camp counselor at other camps for four years, there is always room for improvement in the skills needed develop positive relationships between children and individuals. Sometimes it is hard to maintain order between two disagreeing campers but my job as a counselor is to implement ways to avoid these conflicts and provide the best resolutions possible. I want to improve my competence in conflict avoidance and form a closely knit, hard-working group of campers that strive to accomplish the challenges we put before them.
My Favorite Science-U Moment
My favorite Science-U moment occurred when a camper understood something better. The resounding “OHHH” let me feel like my explanation helped fill in the blanks and connect ideas that the camper had. I realized how crucial the mentors were in assisting with the learning process. These bright campers had the information, but they needed a little help in connecting it together. Even though this is not a specific example, this is just one of the many reasons why these summer camps were so rewarding for me.