Sick, Sad Days: Part 2

I’m writing this blog in the comfort of a treatment room in Mount Nittany Medical Center…


… is what I would’ve started with had I not been discharged late last night.


Now, dear reader, you’re probably wondering how I got myself in such a situation. So please, allow me to enlighten you as to what happened to me yesterday without being too graphic.


So it all started at around 10:30 am. I was finishing up some homework just outside of the Knowledge Commons when suddenly, I coughed. I felt something rushing down, and I immediately knew what it was. I quickly gathered my things and ran straight for the bus stop. As I waited for the Blue Loop to arrive, I coughed a couple more times, with each cough having something rushing down following straight after. Embarrassed, I quickly took off my sweatshirt, tied it around my waist and boarded the bus. That whole bus ride felt agonizingly slower than it normally did. I got to my stop and pretty much just made a break for it, getting to my room as fast as humanly possible.


The next part has been purposely left out due to its graphic nature.


Cut to me lying in bed, unable to move. It wasn’t like I couldn’t– it’s just that I feared that a slight shift would trigger the floodgates and make everything worse. My roommate came back around half an hour after and saw my form sprawled out over my bed. She told me to call UHS, which I did, and eventually I had to go in for a check up. The attending physician saw how bad my condition was, and after consulting the gynecologist that was on duty, they both came to the consensus that I had to be taken to the emergency room. I clean up as best as I can and wait for EMS to arrive. I get on a stretcher, and as I’m being hauled to the ambulance, there are people looking at me, which didn’t help my case at all.


I get to the emergency room, and they run a few tests on me. I got a CT scan, an ultrasound, an exam, and some blood work done. Apparently my pulse was really high and that my blood pressure was terrifyingly low. What I didn’t know while I was getting an IV was that the first nurse had already taken blood from me, so when the second nurse came in and took blood, I didn’t think anything of it. Until I passed out. Luckily for me, one of my best friends was there to keep me company, so he was able to alert the nurses about me passing out in bed and choking on the salad that I was eating prior to passing out.

I eventually get discharged later that night after being told that all the tests came back normal, with the exception of my WBC, which was at a staggering 20,000. The doctors assumed that what had happened that caused me to be in the ER in the first place was the contraception that I was taking, as my body was receiving too little of it and pretty much went wack.


All in all, I’m glad I received great service and care during my eventful day there at the emergency room, and I was grateful of the friends that I had that made sure that I was okay. My roommate even packed an overnight bag to bring in case I needed it, so yeah, I’m glad I have friends like them.


I’m going to get some more blood taken next week, so let’s hope my WBC is normal by then!

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