Last Post!

After chugging down a lot of medicine because I’m not feeling well again, here’s what I wrote in a medicine-filled stupor. home. i never had a concept of what “home” was i’ve simply never felt it. no, it’s not that i don’t have a roof over my head. nor that i don’t have anyone to […]

Stressing Out

It’s been a whole minute since I posted something!   I suppose I could’ve written something up over these past few days, but nothing interesting really happened besides me attempting to keep my marbles together these last few weeks. Schoolwork’s been kicking me in the rear end lately— homework after homework due. I’ve been feeling […]

Sick, Sad Days: Part 2

I’m writing this blog in the comfort of a treatment room in Mount Nittany Medical Center…   … is what I would’ve started with had I not been discharged late last night.   Now, dear reader, you’re probably wondering how I got myself in such a situation. So please, allow me to enlighten you as […]