The Summary
The article “Studies Are Usually Bunk, Study Shows” confirms what many of us know too well, in what the media has branded the Trump Era, but what might as well be the Subjective Era. As politics has grown more and more polarized and has corrupted nearly every facet of society, people have doubled down on their ideologies. In this process, they have departed from seeking the truth. Instead, both sides of the aisle have chosen to engage in ideological worship, following a dangerous trend towards the subjective reality. Subjective realities in which individuals choose what they want to be real and then evidence to support their stance. Rather than do the proper thing of collecting data and then building a stance based on the facts.
These subjective realities lead to the skewed and flaws world views that produce the things that the article discusses, false or unverifiable data. While this may seem to be like a minor issue, this is probably one of the biggest issues that threatens our society today. For if we allow ourselves to withdraw into our own subjective realities, then we head for dangerous territory. We will be unable to build consensus because no one will be able to agree on the foundation and basic facts that the conversation will be built upon. And if this occurs then all dialogue will break down. And if people stop fighting with words, then they will start doing so with fists.
The Problem
The problem with this article is that the only data that it provides is the actual study that states that these studies are wrong. It would have been a much more effective article if the author were to bring up contrary evidence to begin to deconstruct the examples that are mentioned within the article. Without this, the article suffers from an issue in which it looks like the kettle calling the pot black.
The Warning
The article can serve as an important reminder when writing our paradigm shift essays. A reminder that we must look at the research rationally and objectively and see where it takes us. For if we do the opposite enter the process with a bias or a story we wish to tell and then look at the data, then the argument will be weak and fall apart. The reason for this is simple, if a stance is not formed with facts then it can not be proven to be true in anyway. Instead it becomes a failure, and becomes a monument to bias and ideology.