Paradigm Shift


The Atlantic article by Jean Twenge spends a great deal discussing a paradigm shift brought about by smartphones and social media. The article covers a vast range of changes brought about by smartphones, but simply put they can be simplified into two categories mental health, and time usage. Starting with mental health changes, smartphones have led to increased loneliness, and depression as iGeners spend more time interacting with people through technology (which reduces happiness) than through face to face contact (which increases happiness). Also correlating with smartphone introduction is a dramatic shift in how iGeners spend their time. No longer feeling the need to communicate through face to face contact, iGeners spend increasingly less time with friends or on dates. Now able to easily contact parents, iGeners are less likely to have drivers license because they can rely on parents for rides. With an instant line of communication between parents and children, iGeners are less likely to pursue independence. 

The Shift

The paradigm shift in this examples comes from the fact that not all generations were like this. Past generations spent more time engaged in social contact with peers, and more time pursuing activities independent from parental supervision. And so the shift, which is a dramatic one, is from a past teen culture of independence, self-sufficiency, and activity to new teen culture of reliance, obedience, and sloth.

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