Visual Rhetoric of a Public Contoversy

The Background

The quality of this image is not that great, and there is a good reason for it. This picture was taken in 1901. In the image, some soldiers are standing over a mass grave of enemies, the dead from a recently fought “battle.” I put battle in air quotes because, to call the massacre at Bud Dajo anything but a massacre is just plain wrong. For more than 1,000 of the Moro people were slaughtered by a modern military force of 750 men, a force that only lost 23 men in the process. The most disturbing facts about this picture is that the massacre was not performed by some European colonial power, but rather American soldier who were sent to pacify the Philippines.

The Argument

While I am unsure as to whether or not this photo reached the contemporary press, it nevertheless serve as a reminder of a dark period in American history. The photo does such an incredible job encapsulating this unique time period in American history. A time in which America tried it’s hand at the same kind of imperialism that Europeans were practicing in Africa.

The first argument that the image conveys is the brutality of the colonization of the Philippines. This argument is made clearly by the trench that is full of the bodies of not just men, but also women and children. Not only does this image convey brutality, but there is also a great element of disgust that one can not help but feel when looking at the soldiers. This feeling is so strong because the soldiers in the photo, stand posing around the trench, meaning that they were well aware that a photo was being taken of them. Which in turn means that the men were proud with what they did. Proud of massacring a group of women and children. Finally a sinister tone is added to the picture when one takes a careful look at the body in the center of the photo. It is the corpse of a woman, who has her breasts exposed. The reason that this is so sinister, is that reader cannot help but consider that these people might not have been just murdered, but also raped and tortured before so. The fact that this act was committed by Americans is probably the strongest argument of the photo. Because it shows that human beings are able to commit great atrocities regardless of where they grew up.


Image Source

Bud Dajo Massacre Source

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