7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.


Worldwide, 1.1 billion people still have no electricity. Three billion burn solid fuels such as wood and animal dung for cooking and heating, filling their homes with dangerous pollutants. Huge disparities in access to modern sustainable energy persist. Achieving energy and climate goals will require continued policy support and a massive mobilization of public and private capital for clean and renewable energy, especially in developing countries.

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Equal energy access

Developing countries need investment and technical support in creating and implementing comprehensive integrated energy plans. Off-grid and mini-grid electricity generation can bring immediate benefits across the SDGs. They offer a least-cost approach to electrification, yet investment in them remains limited. Recent innovations in advanced nuclear designs could make nuclear power a distributed energy solution for the first time. As a dispatchable and resilient energy source, distributed nuclear could complement and accelerate the ongoing distributed energy revolution.

As countries grow in population size, the need for energy grows to power homes, businesses, transportation, and fulfill industry demands. Deployment of energy systems must not be done at the burden of the people through higher economic stress, or unjust removal of land or resources. Energy systems must strive to serve all equally.

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Clean energy

Since 1990, nearly 60% of our electricity has come from non-renewable resources that will one day run out. They all carry harmful effects in their excavation and burning for energy use. It has been calculated that we would need to leave 75-80% of fossil fuels untouched to have a greater chance of keeping the planet from warming 2 degrees celsius (Center for International Climate Research). Thus, we must turn to clean energy sources that have have infinite abundance such as harnessing the potential of water movement, solar, microbiology, nuclear, and hot water reservoirs to create clean energy. These pathways to produce energy require not only deployment now, but the technological advances to reduce their economic, sociological, and energy cap barriers to success.