Authentic Leadership

Authentic leadership might sound pretty generic, and easily translate, right? Well, it might be easier said than actually done. Authentic leadership calls our actions into question on a daily basis when it comes to organizational management. Everything we say or do is scrutinized on every level. You can be certain, that if you are saying one thing, and doing another, someone is likely noticing. Authentic leadership calls us to be open, vulnerable, transparent and honest. Honesty builds trust, and trust is a critical component to organizational success.

Authentic leadership requires open lines of communication, admitting fault even as a leader, or manager. We can’t be afraid to be open, admit defeat as a team. Sometimes ideas work out, sometimes they don’t. There is a large looming fear in the management world that vulnerability is seen as weakness. That being wrong is bad for leadership, because it will call authority to come into question. I don’t believe that to be true. I think as humans, we all understand we possess strengths and weaknesses, and mistake are simply bound to happen. Howe we react to mistakes, recover from them is the key to trust between leaders and their organization.

Trust me, not everyone wants to lead, your seat of leadership is not up for grabs because of simple mistakes, or missteps in communication or execution. Admittance to errors is what really connects followership to leadership. It is naturally tendency to want to react defensibly, cover up, divert attention from mistakes, or missteps as a leader. However, we should learn to push past those feelings, and just be frank, open and horizontal in our lines of communication and I think we will see better connection with peers and colleagues. Humility is a strength of leadership, not a weakness, and authentic leaders know this. Stand by your values, exemplify them, be open to ideas, suggestions, and when an idea or directive doesn’t go as planned, don’t be afraid to regroup as a team, and own it.

Inspired by:

Lardi, K. (2023). How to Embrace Authentic Leadership. Forbes.

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