Category Archives: Exercise 04

Exercise 04 – Hierarchy, Composition and Transformation

Though the intent of the previous exercise was to a create the 3D surface in which seating layouts can be arranged upon, the objective of Exercise 04 is to [/sourcecode] make use of the visual representation. The script in this exercise extracts structural data information from the generated 3D surfaces and manage that data to execute a seating layout that can not only be arranged upon such surfaces but also is able to be customized to fit user’s needs.

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math as m

#How many rows are needed?
nRows = 6

#What is the height and depth of the Stage?
StageH = 4
StageD = 6  

#What is the Height of the Performer?
PerformerH = 6

#What is the tread depth and riser height of the Row?
RowD = 8
RowRiserH = 3

#General size (width) of the space
AuditW = 50

#Desired number of seats per row
nSeatPerRow = 10

#function for creating 2D profile of stage.
def StageProfile ():
    #The following generates the sectional polyline profile of the stage
    StageProfile = rs.AddPolyline (([0,0,0] , [0,0,StageH] , [0,-StageD,StageH]))
    blue = [0,0,255]
    rs.ObjectColor(StageProfile, blue)

    #The following generates the location of the performer and focal point on the stage
    FocalH = StageH+PerformerH
    return StageProfile

#function for creating 2D profile of the first row.
def RowProfile ():
    result = []
    #The following generates the sectional polyline profile of the first row.
    Row = rs.AddPolyline (([0,0,0,] , [0,RowD,0,] , [0,RowD,RowRiserH]))
    result.append (Row)

    #the following changes the color of the profiles for ease of visualization.
    magenta = [255,0,255]
    rs.ObjectColor(Row, magenta)
    return result

#function for creating array from the first row's profile.
def RowArray (Curve):
    result = []
    result.append (Curve)
    TransX = 0
    TransY = RowD
    TransZ = RowRiserH
    for i in range(1, nRows):
        RowTranslation = [i*TransX, i*TransY, i*TransZ]
        result.append (rs.CopyObjects (Curve, RowTranslation))
    return result 

#function for creating 3D sweep from joined 2D profile.
def AuditSweep ():
    return (rs.AddSweep2 (rails, JoinedProfile))
#function for finding locations of seats at the first row.
def SeatPathPoints (rail, nSeats):
    SeatPoints = []
    divs = rs.DivideCurve (rail, (nSeats*2))
    for i in range (1, len(divs),2):
        SeatPoints.append (divs[i])
    return SeatPoints
    rs.AddPoints (SeatPoints)

#function for copying seats to each Seat Path Point
def CopySeats (Seat, Points):
    result = []
    RefBox = rs.BoundingBox (Seat)
    RefLine = rs.AddLine (RefBox[0], RefBox[2])
    RefPt = rs.DivideCurve (RefLine,2)[1]
    rs.DeleteObject (RefLine)
    for pt in Points:
        CopyVect = rs.VectorCreate (pt, RefPt)
        result.append (rs.CopyObject (Seat, CopyVect))
    return result

#function for copying rows
def CopyRow (Row, Profile):
    RefBox = rs.BoundingBox (Row)
    RefPt = RefBox[0]
    results = []
    Curves = rs.ExplodeCurves (Profile)
    for i in range (2, len(Curves), 2):
        Pt = rs.DivideCurve (Curves[i],RowD,False,True)[4]
        CopyVect = rs.VectorCreate (Pt, RefPt)
        result = rs.CopyObjects (Row, CopyVect)
        results.append (result)

Stage = StageProfile ()
FirstRow = RowProfile ()
FullProfile = RowArray (FirstRow)
FullProfile.append (Stage)
JoinedProfile = rs.JoinCurves (FullProfile)

origin = [0, -6, 0]
rail01 = rs.AddArc3Pt ((origin), [50, -6, 0], [25,-2,0])
rail02 = rs.CopyObject (rail01,[0,50,0])
rails = [rail01, rail02]

MyAuditorium = AuditSweep()
MySeat = rs.GetObject("Select Seat")

MyRowSeatPoints = SeatPathPoints (rail01,nSeatPerRow)
MyRow = CopySeats (MySeat, MyRowSeatPoints)
CopyMyRow = CopyRow (MyRow, JoinedProfile)

rs.DeleteObjects (MyRow)
rs.DeleteObject (MySeat)
rs.DeleteObjects (rails)
