We have created an online project showcase that enables visitors from around the world to join us and view the work that the students have done on their projects. This website has project information, posters and videos.
This site can be viewed by clicking here
How do you create your project page?
In order to submit your project for display on the website, you will need to have everything completed before you submit. This will include your project poster, project summary, and your video.
On this page you will find templates for the various items that you will need, along with the instructions to submit your project to the site. If you experience any difficulties, submit something in error, or need to edit a typo on your site after you have submitted it, you will need to contact Kayla Majewski, kef5050@psu.edu, to assist you.
Instructions to submit project for online site
Logos to use on Poster
You will need to use your sponsors logo on the poster. If they do not have a logo, please contact Kayla Majewski, kef5050@psu.edu to discuss your options.
If the project is sponsored by Penn State Behrend, there are logos below to use on a dark background and a light background. If the project is sponsored by the School of Engineering, you can use one of the three logo options below for a blue, black or white logo. Please be sure to use the correct logo according to the background that you are placing it on. If you have any questions about logo use, please contact Kayla Majewski, kef5050@psu.edu
Penn State Behrend-for use on light background
Penn State Behrend-for use on dark background
Penn State Behrend School of Engineering-Blue
Penn State Behrend School of Engineering-Black
Penn State Behrend School of Engineering-White
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