Sensory Challenges

  • Sensory challenges (also known as sensory barriers or sensory issues) are difficulties in coping with sensory experiences.
  • Affected Senses: People can experience challenges with any sense–seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling.  In addition, people can experience challenges with their vestibular system(balance) or proprioception (awareness of body’s position in space).
  • Type of Sensory Challenges: Some challenges can be categorized as hyper-sensitivity (over-responsivity).  People with hyper-sensitivity find certain sensory stimuli to be painful or overwhelming while most other people are not as affected. Other challenges can be categorized as hypo-sensitivity (under-responsivity).  People with hypo-sensitivity often crave more sensory input than the general population or seek out specific stimuli.
  • Associated Conditions: Sensory issues are often associated with autism, but they are also closely linked to ADHD, PTSD, OCD, depression, anxiety, traumatic brain injury, various medical conditions, and other situations.

What It’s Like to Have Sensory Challenges

This video from SAYS simulates life with sensory problems:

The Basics of  Sensory Challenges

Learn more about sensory challenges in these sources:

Video Gallery

The videos below explain sensory challenges and how they impact our health, relationships, and cognitive functioning.