National Sidewalk Advocacy Day

The morning of August 1, 2020, three of our SFL Penn Staters traveled to downtown Pittsburgh for Students for Life’s annual national sidewalk advocacy day, where they handed out information on local pregnancy resources, educational information on fetal development as well as care packages for women walking into PP.  We had a great turn out Saturday morning, with lifers from all different backgrounds showing up to support the cause.  From members of SFL, 40 Days for Life, Sidewalk Advocates for Life, as well as local Catholic school teachers and students, and members from various Christian groups, we represented the diversity and unity of our movement.  The Pro-life movement fundamentally is one of unity, support, and love, and these values and sentiments were abundantly clear at the Sidewalk Advocacy Day that week.  Connections and relationships were formed not only with those present to counter PP but also with the pedestrians and homeless that populated the area.  Our group truly represented the universality of the Life Movement.  Every protestor, evangelical, and rosary enthusiast gathered together early that morning to bare solemn witness to the ending of preborn lives, offer alternative supportive options for mothers, as well as spread love and join in prayer to offer healing to the mothers and children hurt by the abortive services Planned Parenthood offers.

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