Jill Albertson –
I have spent the last few years searching for ways to get involved in the pro-life movement. I have been to the March for Life and different pro-life events gathering information and a formed opinion on apologetics of the pro-life movement. This is necessary and great, but I was always left with the question, “what do I do now?” written on my heart. Maybe it was God calling me to step out of my comfort zone, or maybe it was the practical side of desiring a more tangible aspect of my prayers for the increased respect of human life from natural conception. I longed to see my efforts and prayers come alive in the people I served. Whatever it was, I knew I was called not only to pray, but to act. I decided to email the Pregnancy Resource Clinic in State College after filling out a simple volunteer application. Mariele Schechter, their wonderful Office Manager and pal of mine, replied quickly to set up a clinic tour, to teach me about the mission of PRC, and to welcome me to their volunteering staff.
I was elated to hear that the mission of PRC is to empower men and women to make informed and healthy decisions. The clinic relies on Divine Providence in each element of their work from client meetings to supplies in their baby boutiques. They provide women who are carrying the burdens of an unexpected pregnancy genuine love and support throughout their pregnancy and motherhood. They offer abortion recovery groups, motherhood classes, STI and STD testing, ultrasounds, and so much more. Through working at the office each week, I learned that PRC is a golden community resource, offering a gentle place for recollection once burdened with the worries of life. They provide extensive support and information to each of their clients, no matter the client’s faith and individual circumstance. Each week, I went into the office and did simple cleaning tasks, administrative tasks, or helped prepare for their next big fundraising event. I remember wishing I could do more to help the organization, but each week, I was gently reminded by Mariele and the rest of the staff of the importance of small acts of service. “Because you matter” is their uplifting way of life in the office. (If you visit, you will know this as each staff member reminds one another and any one coming through the doors of 423 Pugh). I am happy to say that I made meaningful relationships through volunteering each week that I will carry past my college years, all from being reminded that I matter to the staff, and our work matters, too.
It is tempting to believe that supporting the pro-life movement only looks likes bold and courageous public acts of service, debate, or public witness. For some of us students, that may be exactly what you are called to do. However, we have a pertinent calling to love fellow community members and classmates at Penn State through resources like PRC. Their mission is only made possible by volunteers, donors, and community members to meet the demands of our college campus and their growing desire to serve! They offer varying time commitments and ways to get involved! Other ways to get involved to support life in our local community is to be a friend to all kinds of people, so that you may be their soft place to land in times of trials! Help nanny for local families to support the culture of life, pray for opportunities to introduce the pro-life perspective to classmates, visit the elderly and dying at local nursing homes (pandemic restrictions are lifting, too, so it is the perfect time for this!) There are so many ways to help the pro-life movement come alive in your life and community, so do it!