My 2020 March for Life Experience

My name is Madison Buchinski and I am a junior at Penn State this year studying Early Childhood & Elementary Education. I am so blessed to be able to say that Students for Life has opened my heart and my mind to so many new experiences, thoughts, and people. One of the most impactful days from my past year was when a group of Penn State students traveled down to Washington D.C. to experience the Pro-Life movement in a new way.
Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the March for Life 2021 was moved online to a virtual format. Although the students at Penn State were disappointed, it could not stop us from attending in person to make our voices heard. We got in our cars around 4am and carpooled down to the nation’s capital to stand along the highway leading into the city. The temperature was definitely below freezing, if I can remember correctly it was somewhere around twenty degrees with a strong, chilling wind. We grabbed our signs and stood alongside the highway cheering, holding posters, and praying. We knelt down to pray a rosary together for the intention of the unborn.
After the highway protest, we went into the heart of the city and met up with groups of other people who had traveled to support the cause. We decided to march to the Supreme Court. Usually, the March for Life is high energy, with people chanting and cheering, and waving signs and flags. This past year was different. It was a solemn march. We walked in silent prayer and even sang some hymns together. It was so beautiful to see everyone come together united in Christ for the lives of all babies and mothers. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be involved with Students for Life, and I ask for many prayers for the cause.

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