Autumn Zodet serves as the President of SGA. In this position, she works with administration to advocate for the rights, interests, wants, and needs of the student body at Penn State Harrisburg. Autumn is passionate about connecting students to resources and creating a more engaging campus community that bolsters student success.
In her time at SGA, Autumn has also served as Vice President, Parliamentarian, and a Senator in the Governmental Affairs, Student Affairs, D.E.I., Finance, and Constitutional and By-Law Review Committees.
Autumn is in her final year at Penn State Harrisburg and is pursuing a dual major in Criminal Justice and Public Policy, along with a minor in Sociology, with future goals of attending law school. Autumn also is a student worker at the CUB and a Research Assistant on campus.

Charli Nowak serves as SGA’s Vice President and Co-Chair of the Constitutional and By-Law Review Committee. She also manages SGA’s Exec Connect, a forum organizing the Executive Boards of all Registered Student Organizations at Penn State Harrisburg. As Vice President, Charli’s role is to advocate for all students at the Penn State Harrisburg campus.
She is a passionate and outspoken member of our campus community and is excited to work with all students to enhance the PSH experience.
Charli is a third year student as a Human Development and Family Studies Major.

Savannah Fleming currently serves as SGA’s Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee. In her roles, Savannah manages all of SGA’s financial business, including facilitating the allocation of Student Fee funds to Registered Student Organizations.
Savannah is passionate about SGA because of the opportunities that it offers to the student body, including Capital Day, Voter Registration, and Finance Committee. She believes that the organization is thoughtful and determined when it comes to helping students, which fuels her passion.
Savannah is a second year student from Richmond, Virginia studying Finance. She loves dealing with meticulous details and keeping busy, so Finance is the perfect major for her!

Noah Kurian currently serves as SGA’s Parliamentarian. In this role, he upholds proper SGA procedures, interprets the SGA Constitution and By-Laws, and manages SGA Elections.
Noah joined Student Government because it aligned with his why, which is to help others and help them succeed. He can always be found dedicating spare time to helping others, which led him to Student Government. He is motivated to accomplish projects as efficiently as possible.
Noah is a transfer student from Penn State Hazleton pursuing a Project and Supply Chain Management degree. He is excited to finish his academic journey at Harrisburg for the next two years.
Outside of school, Noah can be found working as a Front-of-House Shift Leader at Chick-fil-A out in Pottstown. While at home, he enjoys reading books and playing with his two Australian Shepards. at home.

Tyler Muessig currently serves as SGA’s Chief of Staff and Co-Chair of the Constitutional and By-Law Review Committee. In his position, he manages operational duties, recruitment, and new-member intake.
Tyler is a senior this year and a Computer Science major with dual minors in Business and H.R. Management. In addition to his academic pursuits, he works as a barista at Biscottis on campus and servves as an Operations Coordinator at Mr. B Entertainment Group. Tyler also holds the position of President for both the National Society of Leadership and Success and the Club for Technical Education and Career Success. With a strong passion for technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership development, Tyler is dedicated to using his experience to make a positive impact in SGA and support his peers’ success.

Madhura Khandkar currently serves as SGA’s Communication Director and the Chair of the Community Outreach Committee. In these positions, she helps promote Registered Student Organizations and facilitates important messaging from SGA to the Penn State Harrisburg student body and community.
Madhura is in her second year at Penn State Harrisburg studying Computer Science.