Monthly Archives: September 2015

“Sex In The City” the life of a business women

Recently I have been watching “Sex In The City”  the show is based on the character Carrie Bradshawl played by Sarah Jessica Parker.Carrie shows what it is like to be a successful business women in New York she is a big journalist ,has a column in Vogue, and is a socialite and goes to many parties to network. She also juggles her love life, and the lives of her three best friends. overnight carrie would write about what she had learned about life in the city. part of being a successful business women is being able to handle all aspects of life. In fact it was carries life that influenced her job. Carrie was relatable to women all over because she has a stable career and shows that the life of a business woman is not easy.

Business women

I used to work for one of the most popular hair salons in Delaware called New Trend Hair Salon. I learned a lot from my previous employer about running a business.I talked to my old employer and asked her “is it easy running a business?” she replied  It takes a lot to run a Business. I can agree with her I’ve witnessed a lot that she had to do.It was a lot of money spent but she always made her money back and a lot of times she made even more money then she spent. She had to buy all the products and she had to sell the products, not to mention she bought snacks for the customers such as coffee, water, and tea we also had cookies, candy, and crackers. she had to buy toilet paper, soap, and air freshener for the  bathrooms, she also had to pay rent, water, and electric bills, not to mention the big staff she had to pay. But it wasn’t  only the money she also had to deal with she also had to deal with her customers and her staff. There are a lot of crazy women that walk into salons and try to get over on us. You have no idea how many women try to say they want a refund or try to sue us that’s why she bought cameras and had contracts she is always prepared. You can also assume that having a very large staff of women there is going to be a lot of drama and conflict which she handles very well.I learned a lot from my recent employer I look up to her she’s been doing this for over 13 years now and she has inspired  me to want my own business someday.