Spiritual Self-Care

Welcome back to Sarah’s Self-Care Corner!  For this week’s blog, I will discuss the concept of spiritual self-care and connecting with your true inner self.  While it is critical to take care of your physical and mental health, it is also important to nurture your soul and spirit.  

What is Spiritual Self-Care?

Spirituality and the practice of spiritual self-care will look different for everyone based on an individual’s thought processes and personal beliefs.  There are many ways to practice spiritual self-care.  Your goal is to feel a deeper connection with yourself and your thoughts and beliefs.  Your own spirituality could be related to religion or culture, but taking care of your spirit does not need to be solely based on religion.  A person’s concept of spirituality could be practiced in nature, or through art, music, writing, or dance.  The practice of spirituality and spiritual self-care is highly personal, and the goal is to find a deeper sense of understanding, purpose, and connection with your inner self and the universe.  

Assessing Spiritual Needs

By adding spiritual self-care to your daily life, your body and, more importantly, your soul will be fulfilled by offering clarity and understanding.  Spiritual self-care can silence the mind and help the body achieve a calm state.  For example, when you feel happy and at peace with yourself, your life, and your surroundings, your body can sense peace and relaxation at the core.  To decide what spiritual self-care techniques work best for you, consider what personal needs should be met through this self-care practice.  You can start by asking yourself these questions before choosing your spiritual self-care path each day:

  • Are you experiencing inner peace?  If not, what is causing this instability?
  • What am I feeling right now?  Happiness?  Loneliness?  What is causing these feelings?
  • What is my relationship with my inner self?
  • What spiritual practices are you engaged in that are fulfilling your spirit?
  • Do those spiritual practices lead to a sense of calm, peace, and fulfillment?

Incorporating Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care is essential for you to live a fulfilling and happy life by nourishing your soul and spirit every single day.  The following list includes ways you can improve your inner connection with yourself by practicing spiritual self-care:

  • Practice yoga.  By recognizing your current needs, yoga can be a great tool to balance your body, mind, and spirit.  Many people believe that yoga is full of holding intricate poses for periods of time, but yoga is a wonderful way to exercise not just your body but your spirit as well.  The moves in yoga are purposeful and connected physically to your inner self. Yoga encourages an accepting environment within your body and soul by helping you build a strong base for a fulfilling life.  In a future post, I will explore the practice of yoga on a deeper level.
  • Try meditation.  Meditation is one of the easiest ways to add spiritual self-care into your daily routine, and you only need a few minutes each day.  Meditation is proven to help calm your body, mind, and spirit by reducing stress and creating a clearer connection between you and your inner self.  A successful meditation session blocks out all worldly distractions and allows a person to quiet their ever-going mind.  Meditation is not easy and requires quiet and strong personal focus. If classic meditation isn’t for you, then you can also try deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, visualization, or repeating a mantra.  In a future post, I will also explore the practice of meditation and the various techniques.
  • Practice forgiveness.  By forgiving yourself and others, you will be able to live the life that you want.  A lot of energy is used to hold grudges or anger towards others, but this energy could be used to care for yourself and create the life you want to have.  By remaining present and forgiving, you are improving and caring for your spiritual health and well-being.

Thank you for reading this post, and I hope you have found the information helpful in incorporating spiritual self-care into your daily life.  Be sure to check back next week at Sarah’s Self-Care Corner where I will be discussing emotional self-care and the importance of caring for you and your emotions.



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