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The Lamborghini Miura: The First Supercar

Hey guys. In this week’s post we will be discussing one of the coolest cars ever made. This car is widely considered to be the first supercar ever manufactured. I am talking about the Lamborghini Miura.

1966 Lamborghini Miura: The First Supercar Ever

The Lamborghini Miura was manufactured by the Italian luxury automaker company Lamborghini between 1966 and 1973. Funny enough, this car was dreamt up by the Lamborghini engineering team during their free time against the wishes of then owner Ferruccio Lamborghini. That’s right, the first ever supercar was manufactured in secret. Ferruccio preferred powerful grand touring cars over race car-derived automobiles because Ferrari manufactured the latter. Ferruccio Lamborghini hated his rival Enzo Ferrari and his company so much that he didn’t want his product to have any similarity to machines manufactured by Ferrari. However, the Miura received such a stellar reception at the 1966 Geneva Motor Show that he had no choice but to throw his support behind the car. This show gave the Lamborghini Miura European attention, but it gained the attention of the world when the Miura was chosen as the automobile used in the opening sequences of the 1969 movie “The Italian Job”.

The Lamborghini Miura was not only the first supercar, but it pioneered the design that all supercars that came after used. If you look closely at supercars on the road today such as the Ford GT or the Porsche 911, they have a design that is derived from the Lamborghini Miura. Both the Ford GT and the Porsche 911 have a rear-mid engine with a two seat layout. The first car to ever have a rear-mid engine and a two seat layout was the Lamborghini Miura.

This car is not only historically significant, but it is also one of the most sought after automobiles in the world. Automobile collectors around the world would give an arm and a leg in order to own a Lamborghini Miura. In total, only 763 Lamborghini Miuras (This count includes the P400 design, P400S design, and the P400SV design) were manufactured between 1966 and 1973. But out of those 763 manufactured, only 275 of them are original Lamborghini Miura P400s. To give you an idea of how rare and valuable this car is, one Lamborghini Miura usually costs between 1.5 and 3 million dollars at auction. That’s right, this car is worth more than a nice house on the beach.

The Lamborghini Miura is the original supercar. It was manufactured by the engineers of Lamborghini against the wishes of Ferruccio Lamborghini and became one of the most influential cars in history. It set the bar for all of the supercars on the road. The impact of the Lamborghini Miura can be seen on roads today. This is because any supercar you pass today will probably have a two seat layout with a mid-rear engine because that was the design of the Lamborghini Miura. This car was the first of its kind and pioneered the design of all future supercars. It is because of these two reasons that this car deserves a place in the pantheon of the most influential cars in history.

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  1. Kayla Cwalina

    When I first saw the picture, I had to laugh. It looks as though the headlights almost have eyelashes. The automotive war that happens between each car manufacturer is also a little humorous. I love to see the competition between them as it often ends up giving us faster and modified cars that seek to turn heads and win races.

  2. Mustapha Salau

    This was cool to read, especially because you talked about the father of essentially all supercars. It was also really cool to read about some of the industry competition that you mentioned.

  3. Ged

    Wow the Lamborghini Miura seems like one crazy car. It has style, speed, and luxury. Definitely seems like a dream car. If I ever got a hold of it, I would most likely try and drive it as little as possible and build the value of the car. Competition between car manufacturers is something I am interested in. My friend owns a car dealership and there are many strategies to over riding competition.

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