The Elevator Game: Entrance to the Otherworld


Originating in Korea, the Elevator Game is a ritual game that is said to give the player access to another world.

This was a simple game that thrill-seeking people played, until its popularity and sinister aura boosted due to the death of Elisa Lam. She was found dead in a water tank of Cecil Hotel in downtown LA, after being reported missing for a month. Later on, video footage went viral of her displaying strange behaviors on an elevator—hiding in the elevator, talking, and walking in and out of the elevator. People began to make theories of her death, which included the Elevator Game.

Video footage of Elisa Lam: 

How to Play:

  1. Find a building with at least 10 floors.
  2. Make sure to be alone and that no one else joins you in the elevator throughout this process, otherwise, you must start over.
  3. Press the button to get to the fourth floor. Don’t get out. Then go to the second floor, sixth floor, second floor, and the tenth floor. Do NOT get out on any of these floors.
  4. Then, go to the fifth floor. There, a young woman could come into the elevator with you. Do NOT speak or look at her, even though she may look familiar.
  5. Then, press the first floor,
  6. IF you press to go the first floor, but the elevator goes to the tenth floor, remain on the elevator, you’re still in the game.
  7. IF you press to go the first floor, but the elevator goes to the first floor, then exit the moment the doors open. Do NOT speak or look back.
  8. Once you reach the tenth floor, you can choose to get off or stay. IF you choose to get off, the woman from step four may ask you a question and even call your name. Do NOT answer her.
  9. Now, you have reached the Otherworld. To know for sure you are, the sign is that you are the only one there.


How to Return

  1. Return to the exact elevator you came from and press the same order of buttons mentioned before, finishing at the fifth floor.
  2. Once you’re at the fifth floor, press the button for the first floor. However, this will cause the elevator to go to the tenth floor. SO, you must press any other floor button to stop it from going to the tenth floor before reaching there.
  3. Once you’re on the first floor, make sure everything around you is alright. IF something is not normal, remain in the elevator and repeat step two.

Would I Play?

No. The elevators in my building always get stuck, so I’m scared enough of elevators.

176 thoughts on “The Elevator Game: Entrance to the Otherworld”

  1. This is a cool blog idea; however, you might want to look at the format of your blog as it was a little weird to actually get to this page.

      1. Do the numbers have a meaning or something? How does an elevator “take” you to another world?

        1. Supposedly the numbers back in the old times were used to summon other spirits to the human world. The numbers also translate to “take me to a world elsewhere” which means you want to go some other world. When your with someone legends just say they would get possessed and they would die, with the accident having the blame on you for “inspiring them when you didn’t. The woman who would join you in the elevator is actually a spirit that will try to bribe you to its world far worse than the world you’re actually trying to enter. It would most of the times try to mimic the voice of somegirl you love or know or/and copy the appearance of a woman you also know or love. Talking to this spirit would cause you to be nauseatic, then faint. When you wake up. You’re trapped in the world the spirit woman took you to. So yeah its so long TwT

      2. Dear clair,
        We understand that you are happy/confused but we cnnot accept that type of language here at penn state.
        kind Regards,

        Penn state!

    1. I Get Scared, So What’s Up With This “Young Women” Thing? Please Tell Me.

          1. But why did u talk to her??
            The rules strictly say that you should not talk to the women or girl

            1. i can tell you everything, but you might not like the outcome. Curiosity killed the cat and hell won’t give it back

          2. You just couldn’t help yourself could you?🤣 I probably would do the same thing because if the young woman happened to be Eliza lam I’d ask her what happened and how then her family would finally get the answers they are probably still searching for and then I’d be able to tell someone who could tell them.

            1. She was found in the water tank on roof she’d been dead about a week or more. People had been using the water for drinking and showering in all that time. Documentary is on Net flix.

              1. Watched the episode of Mysteries Decoded that features all the paranormal activities that are connected to the Cecel Hotel, including her disappearance and the elevator footage of her, before going missing.

          3. I’m stuck in the other world and a strange man that makes no sense is running the country they call him Brandon I want outa here 😔😪😕

            1. That has to be fake.. because, there’s no connection and signal in the other world….

        1. Why Is this even a thing? I never played it before but it sounds so creepy like WHAT THE FRICK

        1. I had elevator sex with the woman. Now I’m in love and she won’t text me back.

          1. omg this post makes my day! btw no one said it was forbidden to have sex with the woman :3 I will never do this

          2. * staring and blinking *

            I’m really sorry but people from this other world are known to do that, they are very unfaithful and that’s why I haven’t been back because the first time was a mess.

      1. that’s what i’m saying, seems a bit scary, especially when she’ll talk to you and you’ll have to try to ignore her.

      2. This woman is a spirit who will bribe you to a far worse world than the world you’re actually trying to join on the elevator. Any ibteraction with her causes you to get nausea and you will faint. When you wake up you’re not in the human world anymore

        1. I played this game and when the lady got in I had to sneeze so badly, so I finally did, then I ended up coughing so hard that I nearly fainted, Am I allergic to demons?

    2. But here in my country, elevator floors are numbered as

      Do I reduce 1 from the floor number mentioned in ritual or keep them same?

    3. Ze zeggen blijkbaar ook dat Je dubbelgangers daar rondlopen. Ze zijn jou maar dan gemeen, zoals dat ze je willen vermoorden, ik ben er geweest, like… For Real! Als ik iemand van jullie was zou ik niet naar binnen gaan of het proberen. De vrouw leek op mijn oudere zus die is overleden een paar maanden geleden. Het was super moelijk om niet met haar the praten omdat ik mijn zus mis… Maar het is gelukt! Toen de lift op de 10de verdieping was ging ik naar buiten en de lift deur sloeg kei hard dicht. Ik was er gelijk een paar minuten maar in de echte wereld waar en dat uren… Ik liep door de gangen toen ik gehuil hoorde. Ik keek naar de persoon die aan het huilen was maar ik had dat beter niet gedaan… Toen ik goed keer zag ik dat IK daar zat the huilen, mijn dubbelganger dus… Zo snel als ik kon rende ik terug naar de lift en ging terug. Ik heb een week niet geslapen en bleef mijn dubbelganger gelijk zien. Ik zweer het, speel het spel nooit want ik weet dat ik nu wast geketend zit aan mij dubbelganger…

      1. Het spijt me dat te horen, ik hoop dat je je dubbelganger niet meer hebt gezien en ik bid voor iedereen die dit leest en deze puinhoop probeert. Het is toch duidelijk stom om te doen. Maar sommige mensen zeggen graag YOLO. Ik zal me hier in ieder geval niet mee bemoeien. Sommige mensen maken grappen over deze “andere wereld”, maar demonen zijn echt. En dit verhaal moet zijn. Hoewel het bewezen is dat het Japanse stadslegendes zijn, zijn sommige zeker waar. Ik zou iedereen aanraden om NOOIT Japanse horrorspellen te spelen. Vooral degenen die overwegen om met demonische dingen te praten of te spelen. Ik heb hiervoor ook een vertaler gebruikt, ik zou u aanraden hetzelfde te doen. (I used a translator. Use one to read this.)

    4. I’m a ups driver in Connecticut I tried it nothing happened but was nervous going to the fifth floor

    5. There was a YouTuber that made a video similar to this Jessi Vee. When I saw it, it made my stomach hurt and I WILL NEVER PLAY IT (because I will probably do step 4 of curiousness

  2. This post was actually kind of creepy, so if that was the point it worked lol. I was kinda confused when I started reading because there was no introduction or background and it just jumped right into the directions. But just for my own curiosity, did you make this up on your own?

    1. Nope. This is a thing that has been around for awhile. A lot of people have done it, recoreded it on YouTube or other video sharing services. I’m not sure if it’s real, but this person certainly did not make it up.

    2. NO WAY!!! This is NOT made up! The death of Elisa Lam was FOR REAL!!! She was actually, actually found in the water tank after peeps were looking for her for a month! When I get a little older, and when I have the opportunity, I am SOOOOO going to try this game! Except, NO MATTER WHAT!!! I will not ever look at her, speak to her, or acknowledge her in any WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM!!!

        1. if it is real your opening a door to a demon that is not a she, it is a servant of the devil and wants to take your soul the other dimension is hell the red upside-down cross is a dead giveaway. there are other dimensions but they are controlled by the devil the biggest fear as a Christian is losing the light of God forever witch makes you vulnerable to them and guarantees that you will spend the afterlife in hell .the thing that to me that is most amazing is they won’t give anything up for a chance at your soul in the past they would offer up treasure knowledge or other things including talking to a dead relative here they don’t have to give up anything it is game that there are no positives and only negatives I would not play it for anything

          1. U should open ur mind concerning your spiritual view. We’re all spiritual beings having a human experience.. The purpose of life is to experience , learn and raise your own and the collective consciousness of the world. Look see what all dogma have in common, and dive in… I will not follow a lesson of fear and only beauty.

      1. Hi my love! I really hope you don’t try this game, unexpected things can happen. You may try not to talk with her, sometimes she makes you, or even try’s and touches you. The women can also make herself look like someone you’ve seen before/someone who is in your life. But by all means, don’t try this! And if you do, please be safe, don’t do anything you’re not supposed.

    3. no he didnt if you do more reaserch youll see theres many other sites saying the exact same rules its a real game just DONT EVER play it

  3. I think it would be great to have an about page. Because I am a little confused about what I’m looking at.

  4. I actually really like the layout of the blog. The cover page is interesting, although I agree with the others that it was confusing at first, but once I figured it out I thought it was pretty neat. Now for the content, it sure is interesting; a horror blog is bound to draw in readers. I do not understand the context of the post, however. In the future you might want to say what you’re going to be talking about first. I was curious whether this was just a scary story you came up with, a story you’ve taken from somewhere else, or the truth. On the contrary, the slight ambiguity of the blog adds to the spookiness and I think you should keep it. Try to find a happy medium between information and mystery.

    1. I really wanna play this game! This is the TRUTH!!!

      Btw, this time is wrong, it’s actually 10:07 am

  5. I like the idea, and I like the theme you chose for a horror blog. It’s creepy looking. Like other commentators suggested, some context or an “about” page would be nice. It’s a little bit confusing what is going on, or if you made this up yourself.

  6. I think this blog idea is really original and different! I am curious as to whether you made this up yourself or if this is an actual “game” people play. Overall, if your goal was to creep out your audience, you definitely did! Excited to see what else you do with this in the coming weeks.

    1. this game is a real thing. I 100% believe it works and that is why I’m never, ever, doing it, call me a pussy but I would like to die by my own hands than some random shit.

  7. I dont think she died because of the game because on the video it did not show a lady getting on the elevator so maybe she killed her self the video is legit still on the internet so it makes no scence how she really died i know this old but i wanna find this murder out it. she was found in the water because because people saying the water was smelling so they went up there and her body was found.

    p.s this is from a middle school scholar in south carolina columbia!

    1. ya but if you think of it when you play you enter a different world so maybe when you do that its like your brain enters and only you can see the girl and also when Elisa Lam is on the elevator you can see her talking with someone and then she does weird arm movments which makes me think maybe that girl possessed her and made her drown in the water tank. We never know.

      1. I can see something inside the elevator mainly standing in the back of the elevator. perhaps you are right …? can you see it?

    2. Maybe you cant see the girl in the footage cause when you enter the other world maybe its liek your mind enters it and only you can see her cause in the video you can see Elisa Lam talking with someone and she looked pretty scared and then she was doing weird arm movements so maybe that woman in the elevator possessed her and made her kill herself which made it look like a acctident. We never know.

    3. If you want good information regarding the case of Elisa Lam, there are 3 really good sources. The first is from the Netflix Series “Crime Watch: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel”.
      Next (but it comes in the middle of the next one so it “explains” one of the “serious questions in everyone’s minds”) is Dr. Grande’s Psychological Evaluation of Elisa Lam on YouTube
      And, finally, #3 is the LordanARTS series “Elisa Lam” also on YouTube is an evaluation of EVERY POSSIBLE (even more than a bit strange) bit of evidence or theory.
      Hope these help!
      A Friend near Gastonia, North Carolina

  8. Has anyone ever actually reached the other dimension? I’ve been curious about this myself but haven’t found a building here that contains 10 or more floors. I’ve watched videos on YouTube and seen some guys reach the tenth floor at the end but there was nothing spooky there or abnormal so just wondering if anyone has ever experienced anything weird while doing it??

    1. Yes! People have actually made it there! It’s all true!!!!!

      Time: 10:10 am

      such funny anti~spam words!
      Lol XD

  9. Hello, I’d like to speak with you about using this blog post in a television show here in America. Will you please email me when you get a chance so we can discuss it?

  10. I’m confused. Step 7. If you press floor 1, and end up at floor 1, when the doors open, exit immediately.
    You then proceed to say that once you get to the 10th floor…blah, blah anyway, you said to exit… so how’re we then getting to the 10th floor?

  11. some of you will now stromedy the Youtuber he did it and he exits the elevator which he did not suppose to and his friends were with him and they were all separated and stromedy saw them back in 2 minutes later. so I said to my self that is not true why because they are no secret world + it doesn’t exist

    follow me at youtube rema abumurad

    1. That’s what I’d like to know to.
      Because, if she is hot and sexy, I’ll want to check her out!

    2. youĺl most likely end up like Emila Lam. there’s a rule where you cant talk to her and its there for a reason.

  12. This game sounds so fun! I am dying to try it.
    I went out last night in Cocoa Beach trying to find a place to play this game. But, I couldn’t find a 10 story building that I could get into to play the game.
    Most hotels here are only Eight (8) stories high.
    The Two buildings I did find that were 10 stories were condominiums. I couldn’t even get into them.
    I am going to go to Orlando today to get to a 10 story building to play this game.
    I don’t really believe in all that supernatural BS, but, I will try the game for fun.
    I don’t truly believe I’ll end up in another world. However, if I do, it would be awesome!

  13. i want to do this so bad, its just that im only 11 and the thought of going alone kills me. I also know someone who did it, not a friend or anything, but yah. and after a day of them doing it, they were reported missing…. to this day i still dont know if hes alive or not

    1. 1. Don’t go when your 11 this game is dangerous and deadly.
      2. You’re supposed to bring a friend but everyone looks over that rule.

  14. Something nobody has mentioned about Alisa Lam is that not only was she found floating in the water cistern but they had to drain it and cut an access in the tank to get her out. The only access to the tank was too small for a human to fit through. How she got in the tank has never been explained.

    1. The hatch was too small for the recovery equipment to get her out. Not for just a person. Someone could’ve put her in and gotten rid of her effects to hide evidence.

  15. So I heard of this game years back and watched way too many theories for my small 8 yr old brain to comprehend. I’ll be honest I thought about doing this game a few times and over the years I completely forgot about it. I just remembered because I walked into my mom watching the Netflix doc on it. I decided to research it now here I am. My mom keeps trying to tell me it’s a murder, but I, who loves ghosts the paranormal, and witchcraft, thinks otherwise. I mean have you seen that video? there’s no way it could be a murder. she did most things right except she forgot to bring a friend. I also have a theory on how she died. I think that once she was in the au she couldn’t find a way out so she tried to kill herself to hopefully ‘wake up’. I think she might’ve also talked to that girl which is why she couldn’t get back to the real world.

    that’s the end of my rant lol.

    1. 1. Crime Junkie and Alyssa, this game isnt real. It’s a GAME. Yall are some “not-so-smart” people.This doesnt work, it’s like bloody mary. Just a fun thing to do when your bored. Also, as for the case of Lam, it’s been proven already it was a murder. Not sure how the murderer got her body in there, but it was a person.

      1. Where was it proven to be a murder? This is the first thing that comes up when searched, “Elisa Lam Proven Muder”.
        What happen to Elisa Lam?
        Authorities ruled Elisa Lam’s death an accident caused by withdrawal from her prescribed medication for her bipolar disorder. Experts tell Netflix that her behavior in the elevator is typical of someone suffering a psychotic break.

  16. How can you be on an elevator for that long going up many different floors without anyone else going on ? Feels like someone would eventually get on and then you’d have to start over again many times. Not counting the lady from the fifth floor of course

  17. Yeah I’ll definitely be investigating this out in The famous Bellagio, expeditiously soon.
    Weigh my words, and endeavor me luck, I’m not vastly intellectual so I hope I don’t get fall astray on the “OtherSide D:

  18. when i was 7 i pressed allll the buttons and heard screaming im now scared of elevators no thank you lol

  19. Why would I want to play this game? You go to the 10th floor, get off in an AU
    NO ONE IS THERE? How will you know you are in the AU? If you really want floor play the game.
    1. Go on vacation
    2. Rent a room in a tall motel.
    3. Play the game around 3am the witching hour.

  20. Who knows what is on the other world?… might have vaginas with sharp teeth and monster zombie dicks. I’ll keep my ass right here . Lol

  21. Stop wasting elevator trips just means I’m going to have to fix something sooner than later

    1. How do you like it here?
      It is similar isn’t it.
      PEOPLE look the same but they don’t act the same. They have no memory of you do they? Anyway…welcome here to this dimension.

    2. How do you like it here?
      It is similar isn’t it.
      PEOPLE look the same but they don’t act the same. They have no memory of you do they? Anyway…welcome here to this dimension.

  22. I’m planning to do it tonight.
    But, in my country, the elevator floors are numbered as

    G, 1,2,3,4,5,…..

    So, do I reduce 1 from floor number mentioned in the ritual?

  23. The discription of the game is neat. when I tried it the first time, it didn’t work out. The second seemed quite interesting at the beginning, but when the lady entered I did as you said you wanna know what I got….. I was cursed. It was my mom 🤣. Then I decided when ever I will play this game again, the first thing I’ll do is see the women’s face 👀. Even though you said not to do that. Or next if it is my sister,
    my girlfriend, my teacher or my grandmother, they are directly going to slap me left and right.

  24. I would but I am so scared of like everything plus I probs wouldn’t get back, I have the worst actual memory 💀

  25. This can be an entrance to the backrooms actually confirmed so it is a great “trick” to enter and get out of they

  26. It represents what we are actually experiencing here in the world we live in now, a Venus fly trap. It’s a trick! A trap! Pay attention real close to the instructions and also the word attention. You will notice that if you do not miss any detail of the sequence of instructions and realize that the I is some important info missing. Once your on board and you keep following but not realizing you are actually being misled. Pay attention to the word mis led, led astray by a mis ( a girl ), so by following these instructions without having all of them then you will end up stuck in a kind of trap, a time loop if you will. From what I can interpret here, the problem is is by following these incomplete instructions you are tricked into trapping yourself by restarting over and over again to be stuck on an elevator forever. And maybe the only way to leave is to wait for some other sucker to come along and take your place so you can leave! The wheels need to keep turning. Round and round. You can’t be the conductor if this is your first tour!.

  27. I played this game I did everything the rules say and I played even when it was dark somewhere around 11 o’clock but no woman got in and when I pressed the elevator to the first floor it went to the first floor. But I can say that although nothing happened, when I was on the 5th floor, although the woman did not get on, I had a very strange feeling as if someone was walking towards the elevator.

  28. If someone plays the game right after you, do they end up in the same place? What is in the world it takes you to? What happens if you talk to the woman? What happens if you take a different elevator back?

    1. I also want to know for what this ritual if we going to the other world than what we can do there ?

  29. This Elevator Game is absolutely fascinating and eerie at the same time! I’ve heard about it before, and it’s incredible how it gained notoriety due to the Elisa Lam case. The video footage you shared is quite unsettling.

    The step-by-step instructions for playing and returning from the Otherworld are intriguing, although I must admit it sounds like a daring and mysterious endeavor. I can see why it has captured the imaginations of so many thrill-seekers and mystery enthusiasts.

    If anyone has ever tried playing the Elevator Game or has more stories to share about it, I’d love to hear more. The concept of accessing another world through an ordinary elevator is a truly captivating idea.


  30. I am a paranormal researcher/investigator and have been for many years now. The one thing that concerns me about this “game” is that it is presented as just that, a game. The Ouija Board is also considered a “game” and yet what it truly is is an oracle or at least that is what is being portrayed by the game. A means to seek answers, communication with spirits and knowledge. What most people don’t understand is that oracles require some sort of sacrifice before you can obtain the information you seek. You see this throughout history in Greece for example when people sought the guidance of oracles. The same is true of this “game” with the difference being it supposedly allows you to travel to a different dimension. Such a trip is beyond normal human experiences and therefore, it must require some sort of offering in order for it to give you the experience you are seeking. What is the “offering” you are supposed to give? If you believe in the existence of good and evil, the offering for what most would consider to be a forbidden experience must be pretty high and that indicates that it stems from some darker influence.
    The subtlety of it is really easy to miss but as one person pointed out you can’t get something for nothing. That is especially true when you dabble in the occult or witchcraft (real witchcraft, not Wicca)or divination. Those things brought about by dark forces for dark purposes often have hidden prices that most would not be willing to pay if they knew about them before attempting any rituals or trips outside our own current physical reality. These prices can be steep including your life or perhaps even your very soul. Like the Ouija Board, it isn’t worth trying or experimenting with to find out. More often than not, humans are not capable of dealing with the paranormal and when it is encountered, our minds hit a wall when trying to ascribe what we are experiencing with things we normally associate our experiences with stored in the data base that is our brain. The same can be said for this “game”. What you might encounter could be so unfamiliar to your brain and your psyche that you might be changed irrevocably if it works and you are able to return. For all anyone knows, it may be a trap and once you set about doing it, you could be stuck in it for eternity without even realizing you are.
    We call things paranormal “supernatural” because that is exactly what they are, above the natural, above the day to day, above the known. So to believe that anyone has actually tried this and experienced anything beyond a vague feeling or impression we might normally get when we hype ourselves up for any new experience, is really rather naive of us and all the more reason it should not be attempted. If it truly did work, I doubt anyone lucky enough to return from it would be able to tell you much of anything really or at least in a way that you could make sense of. The experience could, possibly, change a person forever and not for the better. You need only look to the histories of various mass murderers or serial killers to see that they too experienced what they referred to as an altered sense of reality or not being in the world that the rest of us exist in. People who exhibited no signs of anything out of the ordinary or any indicators as to the levels of violence they were capable of often seem changed after some sort of experience that was outside our normal, daily experiences. It’s almost like a byproduct of the experience that has changed them on various levels from personality and demeanor to actual beliefs and personal norms. Did they do this to themselves out of some belief they experienced something or is it all an actual change that happens as a result of experiencing something that no living person was meant to experience? An event or phenomena that was so intense and so outside what we normally would know that it is capable to changing a person’s character and other aspects of themselves just from having come in contact with something outside the normal?
    These are just some of the dangers associated with seeing something as harmless or just a “game” when we are not aware of the origins of it beyond what we find in lore and conspiracy theories and human experiences. Ask yourself, how might I be changed by whatever I encounter or experience before actually attempting anything. Consider the ramifications and costs before attempting anything that seems harmless but actually has hidden pitfalls you cannot see before engaging in it. We have this wonderful little internal safety measure we have had since our earliest ancestors who relied on it to keep them safe and alive. It’s that little voice in your head that usually is accompanied by an overwhelming sense of something like dread or being watched or in immediate dange.r Listen to that voice in your head before trying any of these things. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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