Midnight Man


This was a Pagan ritual that was used as a punishment if one broke a Pagan religious law.


  • candle
  • matches/lighter
  • paper
  • writing utensil
  • drop of your blood
  • wooden door
  • watch

How to Play:

  1. Write you full name on the paper and put a drop of blood on the paper, letting it soak in.
  2. Turn off all the lights and go the wooden door you’ve chosen and put the paper in front of that door.
  3. Take the candle and light it. Put it on the paper.
  4. Knock on the door 22 times. THE FINAL KNOCK MUST BE AT EXACTLY 12 AM. 
  5. Then, open the door.
  6. Blow out the candle, and then close the door. The Midnight Man has entered your house.
  7. IMMEDIATELY, relight your candle.

Grand Event:

  1. Now, you must carefully walk around your house in the dark with the candle in your hand.
  2. The goal is to stay away from the Midnight Man until 3:33 am. You can tell if he is close if the temperature drops.
  3. IF your candle goes out, that means he is near you.
  4. Within 10 seconds, you MUST relight your candle.
  5. IF you don’t, you must QUICKLY surround yourself with a circle of salt.
  6. IF you don’t, the Midnight Man will present a hallucination of your biggest fear and tear out your organs piece by piece.
  7. However, if you are able to make the circle of salt, remain there until 3:33 am.
  8. To win, you must avoid him all night and/or remain safe in your circle of salt until 3:33 am.
  9. He will leave at 3:33 am.


  • DO NOT
    • use a flashlight or turn on any lights during the game
    • sleep
    • use a match or lighter to replace a candle
    • use another person’s blood with your  name

Would I Play?

Nope. Nope. Nope. As you all know from my previous posts, I am only fascinated by scary movies, rituals, and legends, but I don’t try to go too far by putting myself in situations like this. But I’ll probably watch the movie. 🙂

The Midnight Man trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3N8mUcw4_I


3 thoughts on “Midnight Man”

  1. I love reading these! Though I can’t even make it through a full horror movie, I’ve always had a dark fascination for reading about creepy things. Stuff like this always makes me wonder what kind of people make these up… And also if anyone ever plays these games expecting something to happen.

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