Annabelle: Creation


A doll-maker and his wife open up their home as an orphanage. When one of the girls comes across the forbidden room of the doll-maker’s deceased daughter, horror breaks loose.

Rate: 1/10


I have a fascination with dolls. Their artificial

symbolism and subtle creepiness is an interesting concept to play with.

The trailer for this movie was really good, and there was a lot of hype. But when I watched it, I wasted my time.

This movie was filled with basic jump-scares accompanied with loud music. That doesn’t make a horror movie good. It makes it worse.

There was so much beautiful tension created that instilled horror in the audience, but it always became disappointing because they just made it another jump-scare.

If a horror movie is good, it should disturb you psychologically.

Also, there were parts that didn’t make sense. When people were fighting against the demonic entity, they used crosses, which should work. However, the demon was able to fight them off, which isn’t right. And then, when they put the doll in the room surrounded by pages in the bible, it should’ve trapped the demon from escaping. But Annabelle escaped. It doesn’t make sense!

Recommend: Nope

It’s basic and not worth it.


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