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The Civic Artifact I chose to analyze was a bingo flyer I found hanging up in my residence hall. I stumbled upon this bingo flyer a couple of days before the first day of classes and it was very inviting. The bingo game itself was set for Monday August 21, 2023, at 8pm in the Warnock Commons Lounge. Flyers in general are very informational and inviting to all that view it. In this case this flyer is an invitation to students that live in the North Halls to show up and have fun and play some bingo!  

This flyer brings people together whether it is to just hang out with friends or to try and potentially win a wide variety of prizes that were offered. The right to be able to use public facilities that allow this bingo game to be played is huge and is convenient to all that live in the North residence halls. Having participation is huge when it comes to these types of fun and inviting engagement opportunities. Regardless of someone’s purpose of showing up to play bingo the game itself brings people together, allowing them to hang out with friends, meet new people that live in the same residence halls as you, or to win a prize. There really are no obligations that are shown. Taking the initiative to show up and interact with others can show a person’s obligation to get involved with their community. 

This flyer that invites students to play bingo is huge in building a community. Getting together with people that live amongst you and being able to relax and play a simple game of bingo can bring people closer together. The game bingo itself is based upon emotions. The anticipation that builds up when you are close to winning or the despair you have when you lose! You also cannot forget the amazing feeling of finally winning and getting a free prize! When bingo is played it is meant to be played in big groups of people. All that are involved have their own card playing against each other. Building relationships with those around them and it is all because of a game they are playing at the same time. 

With the flyer posted, it influences all that can view it. Using the game of bingo in college to students that do not have access to certain things is very inviting to potentially win something that might be useful. For example, a student may need a printer and in this bingo game that is to occur soon they have the chance to win it and make their lives easier. Understanding that college students cannot bring their whole room from back home with them allows the opportunity to provide prizes they can win to either benefit themself or those around them. 

The flyer was posted inside of my residence hall on the bulletin board where all can see it. It was put in an excellent spot where anyone walking by would be able to read it and make the choice on whether to attend or not. Placing it in the residence hall where students are going to be every day means that eventually they are going to walk by the flyer and read what it has to say. 

The bingo game put on the flyer provides multiple meanings depending on the person. For someone that needs something in their room it is the perfect opportunity to win something beneficial for free. However, for someone that really does not need something for their room it is the perfect opportunity to hang out with friends or meet new people. 

The ideology that is represented is hedonism. Receiving the pleasure of being able to play a simple game after the first day of classes as a stress reliever or potentially a new opportunity to win a prize or talk amongst your peers. 

The flyer itself automatically puts anyone who shows up in a rhetorical situation where they must communicate with others to play the game properly. Students are the ones who are the consumers since they will be the ones who benefit most from the activity that is being presented. 

The timing of when this event will occur is perfect. Taking advantage of the start of a new school year and realizing that people in the initial stages of school will not be willing to open and communicate with those around them. 

In general, the need for this flyer really will not need to be changed or altered since the idea is so broad and is inviting towards all. It allows people to get together and make memories. 

A commonplace that is shown in this flyer is “what is the worst that can happen?” In this situation you truly have nothing to lose. Consumers get to have fun, interact with others, and win free prizes that can benefit those around them. 


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