Just take it all run day at a time.

Hello Reader, I hope you enjoy what I have to say 


Running, sprinting, and jogging are the best ways for humans to exercise. Being able to run at a certain speed for a certain distance is a skill. Even though many people do not enjoy running, I consider myself part of the small group of individuals that enjoy a nice run and all forms of running, whether it is a sprint or a nice long run. Running is the best form of exercise for humans because you can track your progress, it is the most convenient way to exercise, and it promotes longevity. 

Tracking your progress is quite easy to do and it builds incentives to push yourself and achieve the goals you set for yourself. Whether it is based off time and trying to run a certain distance faster than last time or just running longer than last time. Always keeping goals for yourself in terms of running is a good thing to keep track of because it makes you better and you obtain a sense of relief and happiness that your hard work and dedication towards your craft was all worth it.  

Running is without a doubt the easiest form of exercising. Running does not require anything but proper attire and enough space to complete your task. You can run around a track, trails, parks, or if you do not have time for that just running around in your backyard for exercise a certain number of times works as well. Gym memberships and weights and the equipment used to get stronger is expensive and requires the proper space for all those weights and machines to be used effectively. For running the most expensive thing you might purchase is a good pair of running shoes or a watch to help time yourself and track your progress. 

Building up endurance and speed for running is hard to start but once you have become used to it and the physical demands of running things become a lot easier. People can run for a long time, and it is extremely healthy to stay active the older you get. As time goes on being able to run fast will become harder and harder but being able to run long distances will not become that difficult. In terms of marathons, you will always see a variety of people. From kids under ten to adults over sixty. Being able to move around at an old age is something people take for granted so building up the passion tolerance to running can only benefit someone throughout their lifetime. 

In conclusion, running can be overlooked and just flat out not fun because of the pain you experience after exerting a lot of effort and the strain it can have on your body when you are not used to it. But running is the best form of exercise for humans because you can track your progress, it is the most convenient way to exercise, and it promotes longevity. 


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