RCL Blog #8

Food Waste 

What is Food Waste? Food waste is when perfectly healthy food that could go to those in need gets thrown away and   

Why does Food Waste matter? Reducing Food Waste matters because when food is wasted, we are not just wasting the food that was prepared. We are wasting the energy, water, time, and effort it took to have the food transported. When food is wasted, it goes to landfills and rots, creating methane gasses that can be more harmful than carbon dioxide. 

Thesis: World Hunger is one of the world’s biggest issues that affects many. We have enough food to feed everyone, but people still go hungry. This is caused because of Food Waste. Food Waste is harming the world negatively because the food that is wasted could go to those in need, releases harmful greenhouse gases, and wastes the resources that are used to grow and transport food. 

Introduction: Would you consider yourself a responsible eater? Do you take what you need and not what you want? When you go to eat food do you always make sure to finish your meal? While you may think you are doing your part a whopping 40% of all food in the US (United States) goes to waste. 


A: With all the food produced, we could provide food for 2 billion people. Which is enough to help those in need. Over 200 million people struggle to find food daily and yet with the amount of food that is wasted it is more than enough to ensure they get to eat. 

B: Surprisingly all the food that we waste is in fact harmful to the environment because when the food rots it releases gases. The gas that is released from rotting food is called methane. Methane is caused by the breakdown of food and its impact on the environment has been the cause of 25% of today’s global warming. 

II: The resources used to grow and transport these foods is something that is overlooked. For us to even get the food we eat everyday it requires energy, water, time, effort, and transportation. So, when we waste food, we are not only wasting the food that in turn will negatively affect the environment, but we are also wasting the resources that are being used for the food. 

III: Food Waste is an issue that does not get addressed a lot. Considering all the food that is produced there should be enough to make sure everyone gets the proper amount of food. 

Conclusion: Food Waste is an issue that needs to be addressed. Its impact is too big to go ignored, not only wasting our resources but negatively harming the environment. 

RCL Blog #7

Hello, Reader, I hope you enjoy what I have to say! 


The most helpful feedback I have received from the peer review workshops was from Keegan. She gave me great feedback and let me know to add more resources and to also use some personal experience in my writing to get my point across and explain the shift between online and offline education. I was able to take that advice and add more detail into my essay and it is overall better quality. 

The most interesting thing I discovered researching this topic was the impact on mental health and seeing a difference in students’ test scores. Because all assignments are online it would seem easier for school to be online because you have all the resources to be successful but in fact it is the opposite. Losing that connection of face-to-face interactions and proper learning environments took a toll on students and teachers and even though students are given the resources to thrive they do not because they lose the will and motivation to even attempt schoolwork and do well in school. 

The most important thing about the shift as a whole is observing the change in how school is operated now on all levels. Even though there was some technological involvement throughout school it has now gone pretty much completely online just with face-to-face interactions. Taking the pros of both online and offline school and combining them. 

This project has helped me become a better writer diving deep into my topics and doing thorough research to provide support and evidence for anything that I am trying to argue. 

RCL Blog #6


Throughout time the ways of education and learning in general have changed. The older version uses items like pencils, papers, and now the newer version uses computers and has converted to digital assignments. Just like how people and technology have changed and advanced, the ways of school have changed and advanced that has gone from in person learning that requires pens and paper to learn has now shifted towards the use of technology and being able to complete a school year completely online with no interactions in person. Students and teachers have experienced a shift in the style of learning from in person to online and shows a shift that alters scores, changes the dynamic of the classroom, and forces students and teachers to change their style of school.  

The ways of learning and what is taught change constantly. Whatever is being taught has an impact on students and can alter scores from year to year. In an article written by CBS October 22,2022, the article says “Nationally, kids whose schools met mostly online in the 2020-2021 school year performed 13 percentage points lower in math and 8 percentage points lower in reading compared with schools meeting mostly in person, according to a 2022 study by Brown University economist Emily Oster.” This proves that online learning did impact students and their scores from that school year. During that period when school had to be online it was such an unexpected change. The article also says, “From March 2020 to June 2021, the average student in Chicago lost 21 weeks of learning in reading and 20 weeks in math, equivalent to missing half a year of school”. This quote supports the enormous impact online learning had on students and differs when compared to in person learning and how much the average students’ scores alter.  

Just like how the scores of students changed due to online school, the dynamic and relationships between students and teachers also changed. With in-person learning, students can meet with teachers and other students. Being surrounded by positive individuals in a learning environment. Also, students can ask teachers questions in person and be walked through the process of learning, making it easier. Teachers also benefit from in person learning being able to interact with students and connect with students one on one. On the website University Affairs an article that was written about the differences between online and offline learning says “The physicality of in-person classes presents a sense of community that can easily be lost online. Students note that in the classroom they can make personal connections with like-minded peers who share their scholarly interests. This kind of bonding experience is not easily replicated online, as most students rarely converse with each other during and after an online class.” The quote explains the ability students have been able to connect and communicate with one another and the difficulty of trying to connect online when everyone is simply behind a screen. 

The struggle of scores and relationships in the classroom leads up to the shift in the overall style of school being changed. It shows how difficult change can be for those that are used to a certain style of education that was in person to now having a complete online curriculum. In an article written by the U.S (United States) (United States) Department of Education it is said that “Data collected before and during the COVID-19 pandemic have shown that in-person learning, on the whole, leads to better academic outcomes, greater levels of student engagement, higher rates of attendance, and better social and emotional well-being, and ensures access to critical school services and extracurricular activities when compared to remote learning.” This quote explains differences between online and offline learning and the shift between learning style. It shows that throughout time we have become more geared towards online learning and have simply left the main use of pencil and paper in the past. 

In conclusion there is a shift between online and offline learning and the effects it has had on students and teachers. It shows a shift that alters scores, changes the dynamic of the classroom, and forces students and teachers to change their style of school. 

RCL Blog #5

The topic I want to address is the shift in the cost of shoes. Throughout the years the cost of shoes has gradually increased and depending on brand the cost will vary. The prices of a quality shoe are well over $100. Just to buy proper footwear to protect yourself is essential and the current price of shoes is unbelievable. The brand I specifically want to target is Air Jordan it’s the shoe brand that skyrocketed the price of shoes and the demand for it was incredible. The time period of this change is about roughly 40-50 years since the Air Jordan brand revolves around Michael Jordan and his professional basketball career.

The shift is important because the Air Jordan brand revolutionized fashion and clothing in general. Making the demand for these items more expensive and ultimately becoming sacred items that are collected and can be worth up to millions of dollars.

The Air Jordan brand is something that more than likely will not be recreated again. Building a connection between sports and fashion.

I want to address the facts and the impact the brand itself has had on sports, fashion and the world as a whole.

RCL Blog rough draft(Gym memberships)

Hello Reader! I hope you enjoy what I have to say!

Fitness, heavy weights, and sore muscles are all things that come to mind when you think of the gym. One of the main things that the gym provides are gym memberships that consumers can purchase. Gym memberships are useless because they are expensive, inconvenient to consumers, and pressure both new and old members to purchase memberships.

Gym memberships obviously cost money. However, the cost of some gym memberships is ridiculous. A membership at LA Fitness is $39.99 per month plus a $99 initiation fee. If you choose to pay the $49.99 with a $0 initiation fee, it seems to be the better membership to purchase. If you decide to purchase the $49.99 initiation fee within 6 months, you will have payed about roughly $300 for a simple gym membership. It is understandable to pay for a gym membership if you are someone serious about fitness and lifting weights because it can be difficult to buy weights and getting proper equipment to achieve that fitness gym someone may want. If you are someone who is casual and just wants to stay healthy it makes no sense at all to buy a gym membership. Simply just running and doing basic exercises like pushups and sit-ups will keep you in shape. Even dieting can keep you healthy and prevent someone from wasting money on a gym membership.

Not all gym memberships are suited towards the consumer! Gym commercials always show people that are happy at the gym, using equipment and building up a sweat but that’s not the case. Staying committed to a gym is a very common issue for people since there is so much that goes on in life we tend to put off our own personal fitness. Another reason why gym memberships are inconvenient is that once you buy a membership the gym doesn’t encourage you to show up and will literally take your money if you do not show up and get use out of your membership.

The pressure gyms enforce on all people is something that a majority of people don’t even notice. We are getting towards the end of the year and at the end of each year New Year’s Resolutions are made. What is one of the most common resolutions? Going to the gym and improving overall fitness. Gyms make a bunch of money at the start of new years from new members purchasing memberships that they will completely abandon within 2 months. Gyms are the busiest between the months of January, February, and March. However, 80% of new gym members fail their resolutions by mid-February. Gyms once again take your money and your left in the same exact spot you were in last year.

In conclusion gym memberships are not smart to purchase towards the average consumer that just wants to stay fit. Gym memberships are expensive, inconvenient to consumers, and pressure both new and old members to purchase memberships.

I am cringing having to reflect on my speech

Hello Reader, I hope you enjoy what I have to say! 


I gave a speech in my English 137 Honors class last Wednesday and it went a bit better than I expected. My speech was about the game of bingo and how it framed the civic by allowing us to meet new people, hang out with friends and win free prizes.  

The introduction of a speech matters a lot! It hooks the audience and if your intro is not exciting the audience can lose interest quickly. I started my speech spelling out bingo and asked the audience what comes to mind when they thought of the game bingo. I thought of that introduction a couple of weeks before my speech and I immediately knew that it would be the perfect start to a speech about a game as simple as bingo. Another thing I did well on is speaking with confidence. I reviewed the topic and the material a lot! Everything I said I had to think of on my own because I did not have any resources or websites to draw on to help me. Everything I said was genuine and I meant it. The last thing I did well was being able to get the audience’s interest in the topic! I could tell the audience cared for what I had to say, and I was able to make them laugh at the photos I sent to my friends, so it allowed me to calm down and know that I was not talking about a topic they did not care about. 

The flow of the speech in the beginning was surprisingly good. I rehearsed it a lot the night before and the day of the speech making sure I had everything memorized and I would address the topics I wanted to speak about. However, towards the end of the speech I noticed that I went a little bit off script and just talked about my own experience, and it was supposed to be brief. Near the end I caught myself and realized that I did not mention any commonplaces or ideologies and I just threw them in there just to tie them together with the game of bingo. 

After watching the video of myself talking I looked extremely nervous in the beginning, which is something I knew during that time, but I noticed that I would sway left to right a lot within the first minute of the speech. After speaking more, I became more relaxed. Another thing I noticed is that I did the same arm motions a lot just throwing my hands in the air to try and justify my point and making it as simple as possible. I did not really notice it at the time, but it was just me trying to cope with being nervous. The third thing I noticed was that at the very end of the speech when I was finishing things up my mind went completely blank, and I forgot what my main points were for the game of bingo, so I paused in that moment, and it was a little awkward. 


Hello reader! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy what I have to say!

B-I-N-G-O Bingo! When you think about the game of bingo what comes into your mind? Do you envision yourself winning? Or do you see yourself losing? Whatever you imagined we can all mutually agree that the game of bingo brings people together. The game of bingo frames the civic by allowing others to hang out with friends, meet new people, or play to win prizes!

In my residence hall I stumbled upon a bingo flyer that was informative and let me and those around me know that a bingo game would be held August 21, 2023, at 8 pm in the Warnock Commons Lounge. (North Halls) This flyer that invites students to play bingo is huge in building a community. Getting together with people that live amongst you and being able to relax and play a simple game of bingo can bring people closer together.

The game bingo itself is based upon emotions. The anticipation that builds up when you are close to winning or the despair you have when you lose! You also cannot forget the amazing feeling of finally winning and getting a free prize! When bingo is played it is meant to be played in big groups of people. All that are involved have their own card playing against each other. Building relationships with those around them and it is all because of a game they are playing at the same time.

The flyer itself automatically puts anyone who shows up in a rhetorical situation where they must communicate with others to play the game properly. Students are the ones who are the consumers since they will be the ones who benefit most from the activity that is being presented.

The timing of when this event would occur is perfect. Taking advantage of the start of a new school year and realizing that people in the initial stages of arriving at school will not be willing to open and communicate with those around them.

The ideology that is represented is hedonism. Receiving the pleasure of being able to play a simple game after the first day of classes as a stress reliever or potentially a new opportunity to win a prize or talk amongst your peers.

A commonplace that is shown in this flyer is “what is the worst that can happen?” In this situation you truly have nothing to lose. Consumers get to have fun, interact with others, and win free prizes that can benefit those around them.

In conclusion the game of bingo frames the civic by allowing interactions with others, getting to experience deep emotions, and having the chance to win something that could benefit not only you but those around you. 


Hello reader! Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy what I have to say! 


The Civic Artifact I chose to analyze was a bingo flyer I found hanging up in my residence hall. I stumbled upon this bingo flyer a couple of days before the first day of classes and it was very inviting. The bingo game itself was set for Monday August 21, 2023, at 8pm in the Warnock Commons Lounge. Flyers in general are very informational and inviting to all that view it. In this case this flyer is an invitation to students that live in the North Halls to show up and have fun and play some bingo!  

This flyer brings people together whether it is to just hang out with friends or to try and potentially win a wide variety of prizes that were offered. The right to be able to use public facilities that allow this bingo game to be played is huge and is convenient to all that live in the North residence halls. Having participation is huge when it comes to these types of fun and inviting engagement opportunities. Regardless of someone’s purpose of showing up to play bingo the game itself brings people together, allowing them to hang out with friends, meet new people that live in the same residence halls as you, or to win a prize. There really are no obligations that are shown. Taking the initiative to show up and interact with others can show a person’s obligation to get involved with their community. 

This flyer that invites students to play bingo is huge in building a community. Getting together with people that live amongst you and being able to relax and play a simple game of bingo can bring people closer together. The game bingo itself is based upon emotions. The anticipation that builds up when you are close to winning or the despair you have when you lose! You also cannot forget the amazing feeling of finally winning and getting a free prize! When bingo is played it is meant to be played in big groups of people. All that are involved have their own card playing against each other. Building relationships with those around them and it is all because of a game they are playing at the same time. 

With the flyer posted, it influences all that can view it. Using the game of bingo in college to students that do not have access to certain things is very inviting to potentially win something that might be useful. For example, a student may need a printer and in this bingo game that is to occur soon they have the chance to win it and make their lives easier. Understanding that college students cannot bring their whole room from back home with them allows the opportunity to provide prizes they can win to either benefit themself or those around them. 

The flyer was posted inside of my residence hall on the bulletin board where all can see it. It was put in an excellent spot where anyone walking by would be able to read it and make the choice on whether to attend or not. Placing it in the residence hall where students are going to be every day means that eventually they are going to walk by the flyer and read what it has to say. 

The bingo game put on the flyer provides multiple meanings depending on the person. For someone that needs something in their room it is the perfect opportunity to win something beneficial for free. However, for someone that really does not need something for their room it is the perfect opportunity to hang out with friends or meet new people. 

The ideology that is represented is hedonism. Receiving the pleasure of being able to play a simple game after the first day of classes as a stress reliever or potentially a new opportunity to win a prize or talk amongst your peers. 

The flyer itself automatically puts anyone who shows up in a rhetorical situation where they must communicate with others to play the game properly. Students are the ones who are the consumers since they will be the ones who benefit most from the activity that is being presented. 

The timing of when this event will occur is perfect. Taking advantage of the start of a new school year and realizing that people in the initial stages of school will not be willing to open and communicate with those around them. 

In general, the need for this flyer really will not need to be changed or altered since the idea is so broad and is inviting towards all. It allows people to get together and make memories. 

A commonplace that is shown in this flyer is “what is the worst that can happen?” In this situation you truly have nothing to lose. Consumers get to have fun, interact with others, and win free prizes that can benefit those around them. 

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