A Supervisor is nothing without their team, we may be the brains of the operations but if we didn’t have the team that’s willing to go above and beyond to ensure longevity in a department, we could never succeed that’s why it’s important to always give your team the credit that they deserve. There are many ways to show appreciation toward your team trust me they need it because sometimes a fast thank you after a long day isn’t enough let’s be honest, we were them once upon a time, so we all know we needed more especially before or during peak season.
Most companies have policies on recognition for your team so check with your HR Executives to ensure you’re not breaking any rules. I have found that Store managers order breakfast or cater for holidays so the team can feel appreciated but a personal recognition in a morning meeting so they can feel valued, and they can know how much they do for the department and the company can go along way it may even open the dialogue of if they want to grow in the company.