Training & Development

As a leader if you can’t go on vacation and know that your department will run like an oil machine, you’re in trouble. There are managers that can micromanage and in some cases that may need to happen if you’re in the preemie stages of molding your department and developing the skills of your team while also leveling expectations with them. Any supervisors primary goal is to make sure their team is trained efficiently and knows why what they’re doing is important. The why is just as important as the how in today’s age of business so we must train accordingly. Slip ups will happen in training and not everyone will make it through the training and if that happens it’s ok, you may find a team member in another department looking to try something new and might want to shadow you in your department and if they make it through the training talk to your peer see if their willing to make a trade because an unhappy team member can negatively affect the business just as much as an untrained one.

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