Expectations: An Introductory Blog Post

Quite often in life, things don’t go exactly the way you expect. It could be that your to-do list didn’t shrink as much as you’d intended that day, or that the test you studied hours for was still much more difficult than you’d anticipated. Then again, sometimes you’re pleasantly surprised; a class might be canceled, or maybe the line at Starbucks wasn’t a mile long. I can personally say that as for this class, it is turning out to be much better than I anticipated. My name is Courtney Erat, I’m a freshman majoring in Public Relations, and I am from Montrose, PA.* 

While I enjoyed my chemistry and physics classes in high school, I knew that majoring in a science was not for me. I did not love the subject enough to put in countless hours of studying, especially since science is much harder for me than reading or writing. Aside from the strenuous four years I saw ahead of myself when I thought about majoring in chemistry, I decided against it due to the fact that I could not see myself working in the types of jobs the field offered.

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I enrolled in SC 200 because my adviser recommended it to satisfy my general science requirement. She said she’d heard good things about it and that it was a good fit for people in the College of Communications. She also said the professor was really awesome (not to be a suck-up, but she was right). However, this class exceeded my expectations because the topics are more interesting and are very unique. The topics do not drag out like so many science classes before this and keep me interested in what is going on. Long story short, this class was a lot like walking into an East Halls bathroom on Saturday morning and not finding one of your floormates puking on the bathroom floor — it certainly has been a pleasant surprise.

*Now, I’m almost positive that none of you know where that is, so here is a little bit about our lovely little town. Also, please enjoy the picture I took of Adam Levine at the Maroon 5 concert I went to on Sunday.

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