My First Blog

My name is Mike Darby and I am a Senior from Pittsburgh, PA majoring in Supply Chain Management. I decided to take this course for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I have many friends who have taken this course in the past and have told me nothing but good things about it. They also told me about the blog portion of the course and I thought that would be a unique element that not a lot of courses offer. Also, I needed a science course to satisfy my requirements on my degree audit and I am also very intrigued by science. Currently a story in the news that peaked my interest was an article regarding the drug ‘Molly’ (more information on the story can be found here). Molly is a very popular drug among college students and has a very intense effect on the brain and can also be very dangerous. In fact, recently a music festival was cancelled after two deaths resulted from usage of the drug. Molly is very popular for music festivals and causes many sensations. It is very interesting to learn about the science behind how this drug affects the human body. 
As to why I am not a science major, for me it is more of wanting to pursue a career in the business world as opposed to not wanting to study science. I am actually very intrigued by science and believe that the fact that the world even exists is incredible. I was never really geared towards mathematics and believed that majoring in science would have required me to take more math courses than I would have wanted. However, I am definitely looking forward to taking this class and learning more about the incredible world that we live in. 

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