Science is for Dorks

Hey guys, my name is Paul Cassano and I am a Junior studying Security Risk Analysis. The majority of my roommates are huge science dweebs, ranging from industrial engineers to biology majors. Hell, my one roommate is a science major. Literally, just science. I guess you could say I am taking this class as a way to get on their level, although I guess I probably could just watch a season of the Big Bang Theory and it would probably have the same effect (I actually hate that show, hence the reason why I’m here writing this blog post). Secretly, however, I do actually have a soft spot for interesting science courses. I have taken ASTRO 001 and GEOSCI 040 and to be honest I loved both classes. You can learn really cool stuff about the world around you from a science course that you could never learn in a business or English course. I took one look at this course syllabus and knew that this was the class I wanted to be in for my last science course. On November 21st we’re learning about whether or not animals can be gay! Tell me you haven’t stayed up late at night wondering about whether or not there are squirrels out there that listen to Clay Aiken and own Gucci handbags. Maybe I’ll write a blog post after that class with the answers I’ve been searching for.

While I have you here, Follow me on Twitter if you want! I’m only mildly offensive and it doesn’t cost any money.

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