I’m the Amanda Bynes of Science

Hi Everyone,

My Name is Zach Slater and I am a Junior majoring in Broadcast Journalism with minors in Business and Art History. I am really passionate about television, pop culture, twitter, breaking news and anything that is on Netflix. 
I am taking this class because I need 3 more credits in science, and this class fit really well in my schedule. I am not a science major because I am very passionate about other things, but will always have a place in my heart for science. 
Like Amanda Bynes acting career, my success in science was incredible in the late 90’s and early 00’s. As Amanda would say “Amanda Please!”, I would say “Science Please!” I would beg my parents to take me to the Planetarium, Aquarium or anywhere my mind would be full of questions. In the mid 2000’s Amanda Bynes was featured in several blockbuster movies, but wasn’t the star. This is parallel to my science career, in the sense that I was still taking science classes in school, but they were not the focus of my education. The picture of Amanda, above, was taken earlier this summer and is a perfect representation of her career status today. Acting is not her main priority, getting herself together is(or at least should be.) As a junior in college my priority is to get myself together and to begin my career, science is not my main priority, but I have no problem taking some time to learn about it. 
Here is a link to Amanda’s Twitter and my own twitter so you can keep up with our shenanigans.

5 thoughts on “I’m the Amanda Bynes of Science


    Just like our fellow classmates, I relate to you because I was once interested in science. The passion faded out by middle school, though, after the shoebox planetariums went out of style. Another favorite pastime of mine was watching “The Amanda Show.” Amanda Bynes was also in the show “What I Like About You,” which provided me with some comic relief while I attempted to balance equations in my high school years. Here’s a clip:


    This is hilarious! Whatever you do with your degree I’m sure you’ll be great at it. I completely relate to you because I was very into science as a kid too. I competed in science fairs and thought about being an engineer at one point until I discovered business as my true passion. I’m also a junior and feel the same way about this year.


    This is hilarious! Whatever you do with your degree I’m sure you’ll be great at it. I completely relate to you because I was very into science as a kid too. I competed in science fairs and thought about being an engineer at one point until I discovered business as my true passion. I’m also a junior and feel the same way about this year.


    This is hilarious! Whatever you do with your degree I’m sure you’ll be great at it. I completely relate to you because I was very into science as a kid too. I competed in science fairs and thought about being an engineer at one point until I discovered business as my true passion. I’m also a junior and feel the same way about this year.

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