Very Meaty

IG-WhatsInYourMeat-v9.jpg    Ever since the book came out in 2005, “Skinny Bitch” has been applauded for enlightening many americans about the foods we eat every day. Ever since reading this book, my eating habits and my life has been changed for the better. Of course there are some who think, “how can these authors be trusted on these topics”? Well, I’m here to tell you a little more about the vegan diet.


   In this video Paul Mccartney explains that “If slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be vegetarian”. Not only do slaughterhouses use grotesque and disturbing practices to kill our animals, but high amounts of meat are not good for our health either. Heart disease is a huge problem in America likely because of all the meats we are eating, “Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, one of the world’s most respected nutrition experts, has been able to make patients who were suffering from clogged arteries virtually “heart-attack proof” by putting them on healthy vegetarian diets and getting their cholesterol levels down below 150″. 
   Time and time again meats are linked with diseases such as “heart disease, colon and lung cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension, obesity…” according to this vegan website. Not only does meat have high cholesterol, processed meat has high sodium nitrite which has been proven to cause cancer said The World Cancer Research Fund in a study done in May of 2013. 
   Many argue that humans are omnivores, and were supposed to eat meat. Well have they considered that were also primates? “Human are primate. All primates’ diets are 95-99% raw fruits and vegetables, except human. Among primates who live in wild, there is no diabetes, arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure. These exist only in human society”, and if this doesn’t say something then maybe something else will. 
   Have you ever considered real carnivores or omnivores like Lions or Raccoons, and how they eat their meat as is. They usually eat freshly killed or rotten meat with no hesitation. Then consider us, as humans, we use forks and knives to eat our tenderized, cooked meat. Now can we really say a human is mean’t to eat meat? More Info Here. 
   Overall, the studies have clearly shown that meat contains harmful things for our bodies. There are some good aspects to meat as well, like protein. However, for me, the bad outweighs the good no matter how you look at it. All of these ideas and fact above can be found in the book “Skinny Bitch”, I recommend every person should read it and sincerely take a look at what you’re putting on your dinner plate and in your body.

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