Eyes are the Window to the Soul

purple eye colorful eyes cool abstract weird
We’ve all heard the saying that, “Eyes are the window to the soul.” Studies suggest that this may in fact be true in a more literal sense. A study done in Sweden, at Orebro University, has found correlations between patterns in the iris and certain personality traits. 
Obviously, all irises are different, but there are certain patterns that “indicate whether a person is warm and trusting or neurotic and impulsive.” The study was carried out by taking close-up pictures of the of over 400 participant’s eye and having them complete a personality questionnaire.
The analysis of the eye focused on patterns in crypts, which are pits that radiate from the pupil, and contraction furrows, which are lines curving around the edge of the iris that form when pupils dilate (“Study Reveals Irises Reflect Personality”).The study found that people with a more crypts tend to be more trusting of others and have a warmer sentiment. 

The science behind this study goes back to genetics. While in the womb, the iris is formed by a neurodevelopmental gene, called PAX6. Other studies have found that mutations in this gene contribute to the development of personality traits, such as those mentioned before. 

This study was not the first to idea of the iris as an indicator of personality. In the 1970’s, the Rayid Method of Iris Interpretation was developed. This interpretation outlines different types of eye patterns and personalities.

The Rayid Method believes that everyone is one of two dominant patterns and one of two secondary patterns. The dominant patterns are the Jewel and the Flower, whereas the secondary is the Stream and Shaker. The official website for this idea can be found, here, where specific characteristics of each pattern can be found. 
Both studies indicate that some correlation between iris pattern and personality exist. The Swedish study, however, appears, to me, to have a substantial amount of scientific correlation, whereas the Rayid Method does not contain strong, scientific evidence. The method relies on “decades of application and qualitative research,” yet the site gives no disclosure of the science behind their method. 
I am more interested in seeing where the Swedish study follows their findings and developing them to prove even more so their hypothesis that iris patterns reveal one’s personality.

“Study Reveals Irises Reflect Personality.” EndAllDisease.com. Endalldisease.com, n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2013.

“The Rayid Model�.” The Rayid Model. Rayid International, n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2013.

One thought on “Eyes are the Window to the Soul


    I thought that this was a cool blog! Who would have ever thought that something that is used as a figure of speech could be true. I think that studies about the mind and personality are very interesting because they are often overlooked because they are intangible when they are really a very powerful and important part of humans. Now that I think about it, eyes are an essential role in how we figure people out in general. For example, if someone can’t look you in the eyes when being asked a question that person may be lying. Another example is a blank stare, which can indicate boredom or lack of attention.


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