Does it pay to wear perfume?

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Photo by : Wendy Banner 

Today I was thinking to myself while spraying my Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift perfume ,does anyone even notice my perfume? Whats the point? Do people really care what I smell like? Why do I do this everyday? 

Believe it or not I found a lot of crazy answers I didn’t think I was going to find! 
According to there are many benefits for a woman who wears perfume. There can be a lot of personal self confidence emotions connected to wearing perfume. There have been studies done that say there more confidant you are the better you will perform. 
Other studies have been done saying that people are more likely to feel “comfortable” around you when you smell nice. Its more welcoming and more people will feel they can approach you! This is important weather you’re at school trying to meet people or even if you’re in the work  place trying to get along with co-workers! 
Lastly it has been said that wearing perfume and put you in a good mood! The good smell that you connect with your perfume makes you more “happy” you get a feeling a optimism which can boost your mood. Maybe consider carrying around a little bottle of perfume around with you throughout the day ! Who knows, maybe it will help brighten up your day !
One last point I wanted to bring up is that smell is the fastest trigger to memory ! I think this is why guys prefer girls who wear perfume. Every time they smell your specific perfume when when you’re with them they link that smell with you. So if they smell that perfume they will immediately think of you. How it works… is that when you take in smells the olfactory cortex is directly connected to the hippocampus of the brain. All the other senses have to go through other receptors before they reach the memory of the brain. So if you are in a long distance relationship the best present may be a blanket or something of yours sprayed with your perfume !  

3 thoughts on “Does it pay to wear perfume?


    I wondered the same thing many times! Am I wasting all my money buying perfumes that no one even notices or do people actually care about how I smell? It turns out that Greek PSU boys do. If you read today Greek newspaper, “The Odyssey” you’ll see that in the article “Do guys notice the little things?” that boys care about how you smell. Kendall said that girls should always make sure to smell nice because it can be a real turn off when they have BO.


    I have actually done research on this before. I have learned that there is a chemical in perfume and a hormone attracted to it, that makes guys attracted to girls. I also loved reading how it can put you in a better mood. I will definitely try to wear perfume every day now. With optimism, your day can be a lot more successful. The memory trigger has definitely worked on me, all of my friends tell me the Marc Jacob daisy perfume reminds them of me. It is a good feeling when they say that.,
    this link talks a little bit more about how perfume is linked with memory.


    Cara I can totally relate to this article because every time I wear perfume I think the same thing. It has become a morning routine of mine to put on perfume right before I head out the door. Occasionally I switch up my scent, but for the most part I wear the same one. When asking my friends if they notice my perfume, they replied saying that I have a signature scent that reminds them of me. I found it so interesting that just by smelling something, my friends were reminded of me. That said, I can see how wearing perfume triggers memory. When I apply a scent I wore in the past, I am brought back to the time I used to wear it. It’s so interesting that the human body has the ability to put a scent to a face and time. The link below talks about a few more benefits to wearing perfume, including enhanced male attraction which is obviously a plus. If you’re interested check it out!

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