Adderall is an ADD/ADHD treatment drug used to help patients suffering from ADD/ADHD focus. Adderall effects the central nervous system to increase concentration and focus. After reading just two sentences, a college student is saying to themselves “I NEED TO GET MY HANDS ON THIS STUFF!” When taken properly by those who are diagnosed, Adderall works well. Even people who are not diagnosed seem to think the drug does its job. However, Adderall poses some serious dangers to those who are not prescribed. Since Adderall effects the central nervous system, a number of things can go wrong if someone takes the drug without proper prescription and dosage. Seizures, heart failure, irregular heart beat, and many more have been reported by the food and drug administration as negative side effects of Adderall.
Oh No its 1130 and I Have 14 Assignments Due Tomorrow… I Need Adderall
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Adderall, when taken recreationally, is highly addictive. Most people who take Adderall without a prescription seek the higher dose versions which are not typically prescribed to patients. These high dose pills, like any other street drug, are highly addictive and can produce serious withdraw symptoms. Those who have high blood pressure and take Adderall can be at risk for several dangerous symptoms. According to my doctor, some people are born with a specific DNA strand that will shut your whole body down if you mix marijuana and Adderall.
With all that being said, drink a coffee or 5 hour energy and get to work the safe way.